Here are photos I took at last night’s gala benefit for Bill Lichtenstein’s forthcoming film, “The American Revolution–a documentary on WBCN radio which Lichtenstein credits as instrumental (pun intended) in the political and cultural upheavals of the late 1960s.
The first part of the evening, deemed “The Folk Revolution,” featured Tom Rush, Kate and Livingston Taylor, Jonathan Edwards, and “Spider” John Koerner.
A couple hundred people in the audience included aging hippies, former (present?) dopers, professional and professorial types. As an aging something or other myself, my only complaint was that there were no chairs…and it was a four hour show!
Please forgive my including three photos of Bill–wordpress glitch.
Anita M. Harris
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, a strategic PR/thought leadership/social media firm based in Kendall Square, Cambridge.