Category: Guest Posts


Guest Post: Could Trump Be Even Worse Than You Think?

Image of Trump salute

In this independent commentary, author Steven Cushing draws parallels between 1933 Germany and the present, and lays out similarities between presidential candidate Donald Trump and Hitler, Caligulia, Mussolini, Whitey Bulger and others. He asks those considering voting for Trump: Would you entrust Bernie Madoff with the password to your bank account? Would you entrust Bill Clinton with the keys to your daughter’s bedroom? Do you really want to entrust the likes of Donald Trump with the keys to the nation’s nuclear codes? He then urges voters to, “in Trump’s words, let ‘common sense’ prevail, and as Ted Cruz said at the Republican convention, vote your conscience.”

Guest Opera Post: Rachel Yurman on “The Death of Klinghoffer” Controversy

The Metropolitan Opera’s recent announcement that it would produce the “The Death of Klinghoffer” led to a nasty, noisy, public debate focused on charges of antisemitism. Some music journalists reveled in the attention and in the moment of relevance for a 400-year-old form. Cambridge critic Rachel Yurman, however, was incensed by the assault, and embarrassed by what she terms the “willful ignorance of those who ranted while freely admitting that they had never seen the work in question.”