February 22, 2025

0 thoughts on “Rating Social Media Marketing Webinars

  1. You are right…we could probably go on forever. What I talk about in my speeches is that 90% of business decisions begin online. If that’s true (according to Forrester), then you won’t be found unless you are presenting the information online for people to find you. And for that to happen, you have to be solving peoples problems through text, video, audio, etc…or publishing.

    That’s why content marketing and social media are the fastest growing marketing areas right now.

    Thanks for the conversation.

  2. Joe–I see what you’re saying.

    Yes, companies should put out their own accurate informational materials. Responsible, independent publications can help readers and audiences who don’t have time to read everything vet these to sort wheat from chaff.

    Maybe we’re quibbling over semantics, but I’m not comfortable equating marketing and publishing. To me, publishing is a subset, type or form of marketing. That is, marketing is a broader field that also includes product pricing, distribution, collateral material, advertising, promotions, public relations–which in turn includes events, media relations, public appearances, etc.

  3. Hi Anita…I agree with you on the role of media. There will (or should) be independent news organizations reporting on important local and national issues. But that’s not really what I’m talking about.

    First, if a corporation puts the needs of their customers first, they will be successful. Second, marketing is publishing and publishing is marketing. If I’m in the design engineering industry selling a product or a service, my main partner may be Machine Design magazine (a trade publication), but they are also my competitor. Why can’t I (the company) provide educational content to my customer just like MD does to their reader. Frankly, in order to survive in the future, companies MUST provide this type of information on a consistent basis. How else can companies be trusted? Not through ads or traditional marketing. Only through giving them something valuable, i.e., information.

    I think we’re saying the same thing, but it was worth expanding on. Let me know what you think.

  4. Hi…the Content Marketing teleseminar did go a “little all over the place”, but I did feel we hit on the main point – that all businesses need to consider themselves publishers or media companies today. If we distribute valuable content that meets or exceeds the needs of our customers, we have the opportunity to begin a trusted relationship with them – what publishers have been doing for years.

    Thanks for keeping this topic apart of the conversation.


    1. Joe, you make an interesting point–which should provoke some good discussion. I wholeheartedly agree that companies should disseminate solid, trustworthy information–but I’m not sure that I want every business to see itself as a publisher.

      As a former journalist, I believe that traditional news organizations’ “Chinese firewalls” separating publishing from editorial content are key to preventing financial concerns from skewing news. Clearly, finances are now forcing difficult decisions in many newsrooms, but I hope that individual editors and reporters will be able to maintain their independent judgment and “watchdog” role. While publishing is certainly a business, journalists’ main concern should be the public good, whereas for most companies, it is the bottom line.

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