On Valentine’s night, I spent two hours chatting with one of my new tech support friends, in India. Eventually, he determined that the huge icons on my desktop were not caused by a previously diagnosed corrupted user account or Vista–that my computer—a bad hard drive–was to blame.
The next morning, Walt, from a list serve I subscribe to, suggested a two-click fix.
If you need to create PDF files, you can try PDFCreator — open source and free. Much cheaper than Adobe Pro 9. In fact, the only real good reason to get Adobe Acrobat Pro anymore is if you want to use their review, annotation, and editing tools. For PDF creation, PDFCreator works great, and evidently FoxIt is the better reader.
If your icons are large because of a setting, then try the following — http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/12/09/how-to-resize-and-change-vista-desktop-icons-size/
Both solutions worked.
Later, my Indian tech support friend emailed to tell me that he was glad to have resolved my issue, was closing the case, and that it was a pleasure serving me.(Having previously spent 64 hours trying to resolve MS issues, I was remarkably patient, it I do say so myself).
Still, much as I appreciated the companionship on Valentine’s night, I’m afraid the relationship just isn’t working out. It’s not easy to break up with Microsoft…but, clearly, that’s something I need to do.
Comments (and lawyers!) welcome!
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group of Cambridge, MA.