February 22, 2025

0 thoughts on “Look back, move forward

  1. Dear Anita:
    Thank you for your pro-active, very thoughtful comment, especially about an essay that was for the most part on a sufficiently abstract level so as probably to bore most people! However, I have some very particular instances in mind about pre-meditated abusive conduct involving official corruption — conduct that hurts people, the economy and our freedoms that we enjoyed for many years. I’d be more specific, but I’m working on bringing some things out in a more comprehensive way. But I did want to thank you, and for what it’s worth suggest the thought that the people who are doing these things have counted on — as part of their risk-benefit equation — the good nature of a forward-looking public. For what it’s worth, my thesis is that all justice has a backward-looking component, but that’s because it’s a vital part of the deterrance process.

    1. Andy, I think you’re making important points. I’m glad that someone with both deep business/government knowledge and strong reporting skills is looking into things. Anita

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