March 6, 2025

7 thoughts on “The Oscars, James Franco (did I tell you he’s my cousin?) and me.

  1. I still didn’t get it, so asked Bob who Mitzie Verne is, and who is our common ancestor.

    Sara Hanna Bialosky Shapiro who was married to Michael Shapiro. Her father was Isaac Bialosky who lived and died in Lithuania (Pol-Russ).

    Upon studying the family tree, I think this means that my mother and Mitzi had the same great grandmother.

  2. OK–This from Cousin Bob Barnes on how we actually are related:
    Anita, James Franco’s grandmother, Mitzi Verne, and your mother, Sara, are 2nd cousins (as am I to them). That makes James Franco my 2nd cousin twice removed (2 generations). That makes James Franco your 3rd cousin once removed. Sounds like British royalty doesn’t it? The Bialosky’s (Mitzi Verne) and the Shapiro’s (Sara Harris, me, etc.) intertwine about 5 times in 200 years. They were from the same area in what is now Lithuania and all came to the U.S. in the late 1800′s.
    My great-grandmother’s name was Sara Hanna Bialosky Shapiro. This is also your mother’s great-grandmother.

  3. I think he looks more like Cousin Milt, than me. But maybe if I put on my red dress and blonde wig…?

  4. LOL
    You won’t see 127 hours because it is disturbing, right? I will see it and let you know.

    From Your sister-also-some-kind-of-cousin-of-James-Franco

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