Very pleased to spread the word that Leo von Wendorff, a colleague of ours at the Cambridge Innovation Center whose business is largely based in the Philippines.will, for one month, donate all proceeds from his Virtual Knowledge Worker (VKW) business to victims of Super-Typhoon Haiya.
Leo writes:
Dear Friends of VKW-
Cities and Towns were destroyed.
Lives were lost.
Thousands may still be missing.
Together with you
We want to help
Recreate Communities
Let’s rebuild their Lives!
For one month, VKW will offer services in return for donations to the victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan via the Philippine Red Cross. The company will give 100 percent of the proceeds to the relief effort. “Let us take on your time-consuming and mundane tasks, knowing that your donation will help rebuild the lives of those affected by this terrible tragedy,” Wendorff says.
Projects, work orders or task requests should be submitted to Typhoon@VKWinc.com or (617) 299-1176 by December 7, 2013.
Typical tasks might include:
Data Entry, such as data entry of all your business cards
Appointment settings for your business or personal event
Execute a social media and telemarketing campaign
Lead mining
Internet research
All task and pledges are subject to review are available depending on available, according to Wendorff.
Anita M. Harris is managing director of the Harris Communications Group, an award-winning public relations and marketing firm based at the Cambridge Innovation Center, in Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA. HarrisCom specializes in media relations and content services for clients in health, science, technology, energy and education, worldwide.