HI! Apologies for my long absence…but am pleased to report that an advance edition of Ithaca Diaries, my new book about college in the 1960s, is (at long last) available on Amazon–in paperbook and Kindle editions.
The official launch won’t take place for another few weeks, but with the help of my sister, Laura Harris Hirsch and friend Stacy Kaufman, I managed to finish the index and formatting in time for the release of a fabulous writeup in the Cornell University Ezra Magazine, which came out Dec. 23.
Because the writeup is not an official “review,” I’m not supposed to quote from it, so suffice it to say that Ezra’s H. Roger Segelken starts out–“Whenever they went to college, most everyone thinks their undergraduate years were a noteworthy epoch of personal and societal transformation. Not everyone was at Cornell between 1966 and 1970, though, and even fewer kept detailed, heartfelt journals during that turbulent period.” And, if you’d like, you can read the rest.
I’m hoping to officially launch the book in mid-January, in time for Cornell’s Boston Sesquicentennial celebration, and am now seeking real reviews (and readers!)
Will be sending autographed copies to Kickstarter supporters early next week–as soon as books arrive on my doorstep.
You can find more information on the Ithaca Diaries website and buy the paperback or Kindle edition at Amazon. The Cornell Store will be carrying the paperback in the near future.
—Anita M. Harris
Anita M. Harris is the author of Ithaca Diaries and Broken Patterns, Professional Women and the Quest for a New Feminine Identity.
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, the award-winning marketing and PR firm Harris founded in 1998.
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