Cambridge Grade School Students to present funds & artwork to Japan Consulate 6-15-11

Cambridge, MA, June 9, 2011— Students at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School and Amigos School will donate disaster relief funds to the people of Japan in a special presentation to the Deputy Consulate General of Japan.  The event will take place in the King/Amigos school auditorium on June 15, 1:25-2:00pm.

Students and families at the two schools have been raising money and awareness since the earthquake and related disasters struck Japan on March 11. To express hope for the Japanese people, students have folded origami cranes and created Japanese-inspired artwork to present along with their monetary donations.

The two schools have a special connection to Asian cultures and peoples through their Mandarin Chinese language programs. Families at the two schools with friends and family in Japan have helped out with the effort, including connecting with the Japanese Consulate General to put the monetary donations to the best use to help the Japanese people.

King School Chinese Immersion Coordinator Vivian Tam explains, “Our schools’ global perspectives have brought many innovative learning opportunities to the students.  Through our school-wide Mandarin Chinese programs, students are immersed in the languages and cultures of Asian countries.  Students have raised funds for the Sichuan Earthquake disaster relief in 2009 and when the earthquake and nuclear exposure happened in Japan, our students decided to reach out.”


Vivian Tam, Chinese Immersion Program Coordinator

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School www.cpsd.us/mlk

Tel: 617.599-7258, E-mail: vtam@cpsd.us,

Watching Cambridge’s Urban Red Tails…Like a Hawk

Waiting for Fledges to Fly 6-04-11

In May, I ran into an acquaintance who said she’d been totally busy and frazzled–and was totally behind in her work. Why? ” I’ve been watching the hawks across from the Fresh Pond Shopping Center,” she said, sheepishly. I thought this was nuts: this is a 50-something professional woman with a responsible job–utterly fascinated with watching two red-tailed hawks build a nest and a family on the ledge of an office building in Cambridge. For the second year in a row.

These hawks aren’t even rare in these parts–plenty of people have seen them in the renowned  Mt. Auburn  Cemetery, nearby, but,  evidently there’s something mesmerizing about watching hawks lay eggs, help them hatch, watch over the babies and teach  them to fly— all next to a highway that runs between Cambridge and Arlington. Ok.  Each to her own.  (Ridiculous is what I really thought).

The other day, I went to do some shopping at Trader Joe’s–and from the parking lot, spotted a crowd in front of the office building, nearby.  Yup-it was them. Looking up at a nest under the roof at 185 Alewife Brook Parkway.

Skeptical, but curious, I pulled out my cell phone and asked the guy to the far left if it was OK to take a picture of him. Sure, he said.

George McLean

“I’ve been here since February, ” he said. “Six hours a day.”  Turned out he was George McLean,  a professional photographer, now retired.  “I  saw Buzz and Rubie -those are the parents-‘making whoopie’–so the group named one of the fledges ‘Georgie, after me.” Their  sibs are Honey and Yahoo (after Jonathan Swift’s land of the Yahoos). “We’ve been waiting for them to fly for weeks… today could be the day.”

Or not.

He tells me that people  have been photo- and videographing these birds since January.

Here’s a link to the babies hatching– http://www.cctvcambridge.org/node/44293 ;  another, of Georgie flopping on his face http://atlanta.pointslocal.com/story/atlanta/316332/185-alewife-red-tail-hawk-chick-takes-a-big-flop and, yet another, to video at Cambridge Community Television. http://www.cctvcambridge.org/subject/nature?page=8 .

Last week, George tells me, one of them tried to fly but fell off the ledge  into the parking lot.

People seem mesmerized;  there’s definitely an atmosphere of suspense.

I figure, “I’m here, what the heck,” and start shooting photos of the nest.  It’s quite high up–seven stories–I can make out a few birds but can’t really see them, very  well.

I’m zooming in  to get a close look–when a gasp goes through the crowd–a fledge has spread his wings.

I missed it. Damn.   I shoot again. Got it.  And again-Got that one, too.

And again…and again. I’m getting excited, now…and so is George.

He’s flapping his arms, like wings. When will one of these babies take off?

I’m thinking I wish I could  stay..but  company is coming to my house.

Later that afternoon, I check the Internet for news of the fledges…nothing yet.

And again the next day, which is Sunday.

But on Monday, driving by 185–I see an empty corner–and an empty nest. The hawks must have done their thing…

On the group’s yahoo site,   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/185redtails/message/700 ,  one of the observers,  Bonnie, has written that when she arrived at 185  on the morning of  June 6, Buzz and Ruby were “doing a happy dance…. soaring and flying together over 185, over Whole Foods parking lot, and over to the apartment towers and back.” The fledges had flown.

And, according to Paul Roberts,

Life has changed for us all…[At 5:21 AM] this morning,  the baby, Whitey flew directly from the nest towards the CVS sign, where Buzz and Ruby were perched with food….Whitey flew directly and strongly to the CVS sign, but reportedly got only part of his talons on top and could not land, dropping down onto the roof of a Garelick Milk truck, where he got comfortable on top of their refrigerator compressor.

Roberts tells a gripping tale of  the fledges’ struggle to find their new place in the wild world outside the nest–attacked by blue jays, unable to perch…Animal control is called….

To my surprise, based on my 0wn brief experience at 185, I have to agree. See you there, next year?

Anita  M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, a marketing communications and public relations firm in Cambridge, MA.

The Oscars, James Franco (did I tell you he’s my cousin?) and me.

OK, I guess it’s time for me to weigh in on Sunday’s  Oscar ceremonies. My friends R,  A and I could not help but notice that  many of the be-gowned stars had bad hair: it was  either stringy,  in their faces or matted down, in patches.  Watching  from anything-goes Cambridge, even we were shocked. We liked Jennifer Hudson’s red dress and new figure and Oprah’s hair and straightforward presence (if not the boxiness of created by the stiching in her black  bodice). We  were a bit creeped out by Kirk Douglas and relieved when he made it through.  I thought Anne Hathaway was great in Love and Other Drugs, did a great job with her song,  and was a clear winner in the   best  gushiness category.

Which brings me to the point: James Franco. (Full disclosure–which I repeat whenever I get the chance–he is a cousin. Don’ t ask me how–but my mom grew up in Cleveland with Mitzi, his grandmother, and somehow, their  grandparents were related or perhaps two and the same). James’ Oscar appearance has been the topic of much discussion.

As my friend D wrote on Facebook: Can’t help it — after seeing Bob Hope and Billy Crystal, who can take Anne Hathaway and what’s-his-name seriously as Oscar hosts? At least bring back Alex Baldwin.

I wrote: That’s my distant cousin James Franco you’re talking about. I thought he did pretty well…considering the awful material they gave him. Had the sense that he thought it was a load of BS and couldn’t bear Anne Hathaway’s gushing. (I’ve never met him…tho he was at our family reunion, in Cleveland before he got famous).

D.  OK, Anita. I guess I stepped in it on that one. My wife has admonished me that James Franco is in fact a “Renaissance man” with many varied accomplishments to his credit. My apologies. And I promise to see “127 Hours”.
R Chimes in: Yeah she was way too ‘enthusiastic’ if I hear one more ‘whoo hoo’ I’m turnin it off.

Then S: I think James Franco was way stoned.

Me: I thought he seemed way bored, anxious to the point of distancing himself or able to see the ridiculousness of it all. Maybe he was stoned…or just exhausted. The guy has published a book of short stories, is a painter studying at RISD and is getting his PhD in English at Yale.

His grandmother, Mitz, is yet another story. She’s on twitter, of all things, and, when I searched for her on Google, found she heads an art museum and is going to appear on Oprah! I tweeted her an invite to my mom’ 90th/our family reunion in July. I’m hoping she’ll bring what’s his name. But NOTHING could induce me to see 127 hours.

Still,  I am a total fan. My friend Ray thought Franco’s “can you believe this?” shtick played well against Hathaway’s over-exhuberance.  And I  thought  his appearance in the red dress and blond wig was  funny.
Franco was especially wonderful when he appeared on John Stewart, who asked  if he were nervous about hosting the Awards.
James said, “no.”
Why not?
“Because the expectations are so low. Everyone will be wondering why HE”s doing it.”
And so, like my friend D and thousands of  viewers and self-anointed critics,  they WERE!
James: the reunion is at my mom’s on July 3.  Dressing in drag is optional.
—Anita M. Harris Anita  Harris is president of the Harris Communications Group, a  marketing communications firm in Cambridge, MA. And a  cousin of James Franco.

Mr. Snowman: Neighborliness in Tough Times


New Neighbor

This morning, I ran into this fellow  on the Cambridge Common.  When he tried to pick me up,  I gave him the cold shoulder, which he seemed to enjoy. Oh, well.

It was cool to come upon the whimsical snowpersons  that seemed to guide my way  along the paths covered in deep snow by yesterday’s fierce blizzard …especially after President Barack Obama’s thoughtful talk, last night, about the importance of civility, the American national family and the need  to move forward in a positive way after  the horrific shootings in Tuscon. [ Here’s a link to the speech, in case you missed it: http://pol.moveon.org/azobamaspeech.html?id=25807-6209466-EecNh0x&t=3]

In fact, despite all the awful things going on the world–or maybe because of them–I’m finding that my neighbors–like whoever made the snowman–seem to be more considerate these days. After the last big storm, I ran into someone from the building next door (who asked me not to use his name) who was clearing snow, water and ice at a crosswalk so that people would not have to wade through deep water to reach the curb. And my downstairs neighbor, who doesn’t have a car, sometimes just shovels out other peoples’ cars for the fun (and exercise) of it.

Actually, I’ve felt that many people have been more neighborly, nicer, since 9/11…tho this group does not include certain Republicans and pundits who seem to get nastier as time goes on. I was shocked to learn that Ben Quayle, Vice President Dan Quayle’s son, who is now, unfortunately, a Congressman, actually said in a campaign ad that Barack Obama is the worst president this country has ever had..and don’t get me started on Sarah Palin’s trigger-happy “mean girl” rhetoric.  Rather than engage in namecalling and derision,  I’ll quit now –and simply  thank whomever built Mr. Snowman for your neighborliness and sense of fun. You really brightened my day!

–Anita M. Harris

Anita M. Harris is president of  the Harris Communications Group, a public relations and marketing firm in Cambridge, MA.