Tag: agency
Cambridge municipal election: Peoples’ Republic or Too Much Democracy?
Cambridge writer Anita Harris wonders if proportional voting, with 25 candidates on the ballot, makes sense.
Guest Post: Mark Orton on Metadata, the Government and You
Mark Orton, our friend and former Cantabridgian, now living in Hudson, NY (aka Cambridge on the Hudson), suggests that the government is not being straightforward about how the multitude of data it is collecting is being used. He recommends a new tool called “Immersion” with which you can check out just how easy it is…
Journalist/Producer Bill Lichtenstein Wins Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism
Our friend Bill Lichtenstein has won a Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism for “A Terrifying Way to Discipline Chlldren,” an Op Ed piece he wrote for the September 8, 2012 New York Times. Lichtenstein, an investigative journalist and filmmaker, exposed the largely unknown use of seclusion rooms and physical restraints in schools across the country.
Fresh Pond Morning Run 6-23-2013
Photos by Cambridge author/photographer Anita Harris –who ran all the way around Fresh Pond for the first time (with stops for coffee..and shooting photos).
Queen makes surprise “appearance” at UK Consulate health care briefing
The Queen listens but doesn’t say much, joked Ann Avidon, Vice Consul, in setting up a cardboard photo at a recent health care event at the UK Consulate in Cambridge.
Professional Women Opt Out: A Complicated Conundrum
Like Sheryl Sandberg, the Facebook COO and author of Lean-In, Cambridge author Anita Harris is troubled by the conundrum created when talented women opt out of careers and lose the opportunity to advance to positions that might allow them to influence workplace culture. But, Harris suggests, perhaps it is not the privileged who are likeliest…