Tag: anita harris


Cambridge collaboration to inaugurate entrepreneurship “Walk of Fame” on Friday 9/18/11

At 1PM, collaborators from MIT, CIC, the Marion Ewing Kauffman Foundation
for Entrepreneurship, several venture funds, the City of Cambridge,
Ernst & Young and others will inaugurate the world’s first “Walk of
Fame” for entrepreneurs . The event, open to the public, will be held at the Kendall Square T stop in front of
the Marriott Hotel’s newly redesigned plaza.

Country Greetings From Fresh Pond, Cambridge

My new place is gorgeous-three floors, a garage, a basement, big windows, light…and just a 10-minute bike ride from my favorite morning coffee haunt. There’s a grocery store nearby, a gym, a Chinese restaurant…I have nice neighbors who like gardening so much that they bought some plants that they take care of in my front yard. When you walk down the street, people actually smile and say “hello.”