Tag: anita harris


Cambridge Seeks Citizen Input on Future Tech Needs

Having completed an excellent three-evening course on Dreamweaver just this week at Cambridge Community Television in Central Square, I urge Cantabridgians to take part in one of the focus groups to be conducted in early October–all related to the Cambridge’s technology future and the role of Comcast, which, by law, sponsors CCTV, in the community.

Australia Photo Show in Salem, MA

Through these photos, taken at Lorne Beach in Southern Australia, I hope to share my amazement at the beauty and whimsicality of natural forms found on a magical beach—and to encourage others to notice and enjoy the unexpected in art and daily life.

Nurturing Networking/Branding Bonding

I left meetings of Women and Energy and Seltzer Design feeling feeling enlightened, energized and enthusiastic about bringing nurturing and community spirit community to my own marketing and client work–and wondering if (hoping that) new ways of doing business can prevail–despite the economic downturn.

Free Vista, Comcast help: you get what you pay for and a new social life

It’s not that I don’t appreciate my new social life and those late night calls from apologetic tech support professionals in India, but now that I’m in my 61st hour of a Microsoft Vista meltdown and my sixth day of a Comcast email failure, I hope that the companies will send in reinforcements or that a lawyer will start a class action lawssuit or two.

The Economy: Where are we headed?

In a talk at Harvard’s Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, New York Times Business Columnist Joe Nocera offered background and commentary on the current financial crisis. In answer to the question posed by the talk’s title: The Economy: Where are we Headed,” he resoundingly proclaimed, “I don’t know.”