Tag: anita harris
Take me out to the [post covid shot] ball game!
Writer Anita Harris gets shot(s) at Fenway Park.
Paul Briggs Ceramics: Bars, Chains, and Free Spirit
Writer Anita Harris found Paull Briggs’ prison cell series–inspired by written words– both difficult and uplifting.
Letter from San Antonio: Texas Power Politics?
A friend reports that the current weather situation in San Antonio brings new meaning to the words “Texas power Politics.”
The free press, the truth, and making a difference.
New Cambridge Observer’s Anita Harris writes that the free press–alternative or traditional–can make a huge difference in peoples’ lives simply by reporting the truth.
Cambridge covid rules require face masks AND social distancing–even on Fresh Pond
For some unfathomable reason, in the Peoples’ Republic, folks either do not know or do not care that the city’s covid rules now require both face masks AND social distancing, even in parks like Fresh Pond–with a possible $300 fine.