Tag: Cambridge


Cambridge collaboration to inaugurate entrepreneurship “Walk of Fame” on Friday 9/18/11

At 1PM, collaborators from MIT, CIC, the Marion Ewing Kauffman Foundation
for Entrepreneurship, several venture funds, the City of Cambridge,
Ernst & Young and others will inaugurate the world’s first “Walk of
Fame” for entrepreneurs . The event, open to the public, will be held at the Kendall Square T stop in front of
the Marriott Hotel’s newly redesigned plaza.

Cambridge Grade School Students to present funds & artwork to Japan Consulate 6-15-11

King School Chinese Immersion Coordinator Vivian Tam explains, “Our schools’ global perspectives have brought many innovative learning opportunities to the students. Through our school-wide Mandarin Chinese programs, students are immersed in the languages and cultures of Asian countries. Students have raised funds for the Sichuan Earthquake disaster relief in 2009 and when the earthquake and nuclear exposure happened in Japan, our students decided to reach out.”