Tag: MA
Love and Other Drugs: Funny but Difficult
But while the is full of sex scenes and Viagara jokes, don’t be fooled: it’s funny and enjoyable but deals with difficult and provocative themes.
Mao’s Last Dancer–breathtakingly beautiful
Mao’s Last Dancer is so moving that I even teared up at times. I’d give it 3 and 3/4 stars–and a great recommendation for anyone who likes dance and US patriotism.
Nine-Day Cambridge Science Festival Showcases City’s Tech Prowess
Join me at the Cambridge Science Festival Cambridge Innovation Center Open House (or attend a myriad of other events) through May 3.
Malanga “Souls” Photo Exhibit Opens at Menard
Each photo was snapped at a moment of seeming profound interpersonal understanding, of relationship, of trust between photographer and subject. Those those moments are shared with/experienced by the viewer.