Fareed Zakaria: Will US maintain its innovation lead in new global landscape?

CNN host Fareed Zakaria said yesterday that despite the world’s current economic and political difficulties,   he is optimistic about the future  but that it is by no means clear “who will be winners and the losers”  in what he called a “new global landscape.”

In a keynote talk at the Biotechnology Industry Organization International Convention in Boston,  Zakaria said, that the world is currently “extraordinarily  peaceful” compared with previous decade and that it is quite “unified, with a global economic system, interactive communications and technology and greater computing power than ever before.  (For example,  the cell phone has more computing power than did the Apollo spacecraft capsule in 1969. ” It could go to the moon, he said, but it could not tweet,”  he quipped. )

In the past, he said, the US has always been able to emerge from  economic difficulties  due to its tremendous capacity to innovate–and in the second half of the twentieth century, maintained a substantial economic and innovative edge over other nations.  But, he said, “we forget that at other times, other countries have  had the edge.”    He asked, “Will the US  maintain its edge?”

Zakaria outlined what he called three distinct historical  phases or causes that, he said, account for the US’  “extraordinary” lead:

(1) During World War II, the forces of destruction had a huge spillover effect.  Germany, a major US competitor, was “leveled to the ground” and England was bankrupted.

(2) During the Cold War, fears of losing out to the USSR in the 1950s  led the US government to make double the investment in US companies than it is making now;  government purchases of US computers and components accounted for the lion’s share of profits for those companies, until the cost curve began to decline. What is more, the government invested heavily in higher education, so that citizens could obtain the world’s finest education in public universities” without paying a cent”

(3) “The third pillar was Jews ” he said. “If  Hitler had not made the morally reprehensible to target Jews, the US would not have had the influx of scientists who created the bomb, transformed theoretical physics and gave the US a 30-year lead.”

What this shows, he said,  is that America’s propensity of innovate is “not due to DNA,” but rather, that there are specific historical reasons why the US took a commanding lead.

Today, he said, there is a new global landscape  in which it is possible for smaller nations– such as Denmark, where  the Global company Novo Nordisk, known for its diabetes treatments,  was founded–  to be at the leading edge in certain technologies.

What is more, Zakaria pointed out,  innovation does not necessarily correlate directly with spending for research and development.  Apple is often considered one of the most innovative companies in the world–but that is because it understood consumers and  how to create a new need,  rather than because it offers the most cutting edge technology, he said.  “Big company and big country advantages no longer hold, going forward.”

On a panel following the talk, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, founder and chair  of the Indian biotechnology company Biocon, said that the current process of biotechnology development is unsustainable and most products are too expensive to benefit most of those who need them.  “Countries in Asia must reinvent the process of drug innovation,” she said.

Greg Lucier, CEO of Life Technologies, which supplies systems, biological reagents and services to enable scientific research, said that  new genomics tools will be the stimulus to streamline innovation, cut costs,  and change the future of  human health.

Derek Hanekom,  South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Science and Technology emphasized the importance of  government’s role in providing access to care and sanitation. Governments can promote innovation by recognizing and supporting it,  reducing unnecessary regulations yet adding regulations to promote competition, and supporting  education to develop a skilled workforce.

Yucel Altunbasak, president of Tubitak, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, listed financing, talented people, regulatory framework, and a governmental support mechanism as keys to helping emerging markets do “what the US did in the 1950’s.”






Companies Receive $1.3 M in MA-Israeli Collaboration Grants

Four Massachusetts-Israeli business collaborations have received a total of $1.3M in grant funding under the  Massachusetts-Israel Innovation Partnership (MIIP)–a  formal collaboration between the State of Israel and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurship between Massachusetts’ and Israel’s life sciences, clean energy and technology sectors.

The grants were announced yesterday at the  2012 BIO International Convention in Boston by Massachusetts  Governor Deval Patrick and  Israeli Chief Scientist Avi Hasson, of  MATIMOP, the  Israel Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor.

The four winning projects are:

  • SBH Sciences (Natick) and Improdia (Israel) will work together toward the development and manufacture of a chronic inflammation-dependent immunosuppression prognostic kit. SBH will receive $184,000 from the Center and Improdia will receive $202,000 from Israel’s OCS.SBH Sciences is a discovery and preclinical contract research organization with expertise in production and analysis of cytokines and biomarkers. Improdia is a life science start-up focused on implementing novel biomarkers for immune system modulating therapies– using  simple blood tests for patients with chronic disease.
  •  Automated Medical Instruments (AMI – Needham) and STI Lasers (Israel) will develop new technology involving radio frequency energy to perform circumferential ablation of the pulmonary veins. AMI will receive $116,000 from the Center and STI Lasers will receive $110,000 from OCS. AMI is a start-up medical device company developing novel technology to perform atrial fibrillation treatment. STI Lasers is a medical device company specializing in laser cutting, micromachining and finishing of miniature metal components.“AMI is developing the CircumBlator™,  to offer a reliable and curative, minimally invasive treatment for millions of patients with atrial fibrillation, a disease that causes over 20 percent of strokes and untold misery,” said Martin Sklar, President and CEO of Automated Medical Instruments.
  • Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. (North Billerica) and Check-Cap (Israel) will  develop a novel 3-D imaging capsule that can be used to screen for polyps and lesions associated with colorectal cancer. Lantheus will receive $300,000 from MTC and Check-Cap has been selected to receive at least an equal amount from OCS. Lantheus  develops, manufactures and distributes innovative diagnostic imaging agents. Check Cap is a medical device company located in Mount Carmel, Israel with a “breakthrough” solution for Colorectal Cancer Screening.  “As a global leader in diagnostic imaging, Lantheus is dedicated to providing physicians with breakthrough new tools to enhance patient care. Teaming up with Check-Cap to develop and manufacture a cutting-edge imaging capsule further advances this ongoing commitment,” said Don Kiepert, President and CEO, Lantheus Medical Imaging.
  • FloDesign Sonics (Wilbraham) and Transbiodiesel (Israel)  will use FloDesign’s acoustic molecule separation technology to separate oil that can be used to create fuel from Transbiodiesel’s oil-generating algae. FloDesign Sonics will receive $55,000 from MassCEC and Transbiodiesel will receive $20,958 from OCS. FloDesign Sonics uses a novel ultrasonic acoustophoretic separation technology developed at Western New England University for a more efficient approach to wastewater treatment and micro-algae harvesting for biofuels. Transbiodiesel is a start- up company with a novel technology for producing biodiesel fuels from a variety of oils

The MIIP program was first announced in June 2011 at the BIO International Convention in Washington, D.C. and the first joint solicitation for proposals was launched in September 2011 by MATIMOP on the Israeli side and by the three participating Massachusetts agencies: the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC) and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC). Total funding for the current projects is approximately $3m.

The partnership came as a result of a 2011 trade mission in which  Governor Patrick and a coalition of Massachusetts business executives and senior government officials explored growth opportunities of common interest for Massachusetts’ and Israel’s innovation industries. During that mission Governor Patrick and Shalom Simhon, Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, signing on behalf of their respective states, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Jerusalem. MIIP was established to implement the MOU’s framework.

Massachusetts is the first U.S. state to establish a significant industrial R&D program with the State of Israel, according to a press release issued yesterday by Patrick’s office.

Today there are nearly 100 companies with Israeli founders or Israeli-licensed technologies in Massachusetts, according to the release.  In 2009, these companies employed nearly 6,000 people and generated $2.4 billion in direct revenue for the state. Local firms exported over $180 million worth of goods to Israel in 2009. Home to 377 hospitals and 37,000 practicing physicians, Israel is an important market for health-related technologies.

The New England-Israel Business Council, the US-Israel Science and Technology Foundation, the Government of Israel Economic Mission to North America, the Consulate General of Israel to New England and MOITI have all played an important role in promoting the program, according to the release.

–Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, an award-winning strategic public relations,  marketing communications and thought leadership firm in Cambridge, MA.


Newsrooms Must Adopt “Innovation Culture” To Survive, Google Exec says

Richard GingrasNewspapers have long kept tabs on the changing world–but have themselves been slow to modernize. To  flourish these days,
when anyone with a computer can be a publisher,  news organizations must develop a “culture of innovation. ”

So said Richard Gingras, the head of News Products at Google,  on May 11, 2012 in a talk at Harvard’s Nieman Foundation.

Gingras, a founder of Salon.com and long-term media technologist , said “I push people to rethink every aspect of what they’re doing”–including their mission, ethical guidelines, how they interact with their audiences, transparency regarding sources,  and even whether reporters divulge their personal political positions. In light of today’s powerful new technologies and human interactions,  “innovation  must be part of an organization’s DNA,”  at the core of newspapers’ culture, and  incorporated into “the role of every member of the team.”

Gingras pointed out that this by no means the first “disruption” time for the media.  With the advent of television,  for example, newspaper advertising declined and in some cities, the number of newspapers went from five to one or two.   This was not great for the newspapers that went out of business and  led to monopolitistic control by the  survivors. But it also led to    “40  golden years of profitability” for those survivors.

Today, the Internet has “disaggregated” the advertising economy., he said.  No longer do consumers look to their local newspapers for car ads, for example: rather, they search the Internet for information and deals.  “In the past, you could have an ad in the New York Times for Tiffany’s near an article on starvation in Darfur… or articles for garden centers in  the Lifestyles section,” Gingras said.   But on the Internet, such “vertical models” for advertising  are not effective.  ” Might news organizations’ Web sites do better as “a stable of focused brands with independent business models?” he asked.

Gingras also suggested that news organizations:

  • Optimize news Web sites for multiple entry points,  because individual story pages are, today, more valuable than first or home pages. These individual pages should be updated so that urls remain constant–thus optimizing search engine results.
  • Include more “computational journalism”–in which reporters post interactive information tables that would allow readers to answer their own, individualized questions.  For example, in a story on the state of education, provide tables showing student progress in school districts across the city–so that parents could assess statistics on their own children’s schools
  •  Leverage the assistance of  “the trusted crowd”  (interact with readers and keep them involved)
  •  Make reporters responsible for updating their own stories–with “constant” urls  to encourage multiple visits to their pages

Gingras also said that  in a culture of bulletpoints, updates and posts,  there  is low return on investment for long articles–and advised keeping articles  under 500 words.

So  I’ll quit here–at 494.

A video of the complete talk  is posted at: http://www.nieman.harvard.edu/newsitem.aspx?id=100198

–Anita M. Harris

Anita Harris, a former national journalist and Nieman Fellow,  is president of the Harris Communications Group, a marketing and communications firm located in Cambridge, MA.

Downturn + changing VC industry = funding challenges for startups

For entrepreneurs seeking venture capital funding, there’s good news—and there’s bad news. The good news is that  it’s easier now than at any time in the last ten years to get relatively small amounts of seed money. The bad news is that it’s harder to obtain “A Round” or additional series funding after that.

That was the consensus of  three Boston area venture capitalists who spoke at the Cambridge Innovation Center on  Wednesday, May 2.  Moderator Ben Hron of  law firm McCarter -English, which sponsored the event, asked the VCs  how the 2008 economic downturn  has impacted the VC industry;  where things stand now,  and what they foresee for the future.

Impact of the recession
A changing industry
Jo Tango, founder and partner of Kepha Partners, which invests in early stage companies, said that for many VC firms, this is a period of innovation. “We call it VC 2.0,”  he quipped to the audience of  entrepreneurs.  The VC industry, which started in about 1980, used to be dominated by approximately 20 major firms; today, there are more smaller, more specialized VC firms, he said.

David Beisel, co-founder and partner of  NextView Ventures, a dedicated seed-stage venture capital firm focused on Internet startups, said that the downturn has “facilitated a  maturation process,” which he likened to what happened in the beer industry in the 1990s.

That is, “You had to be either one of the biggest, like Anheuser-Busch—or a microbrewery.” Mid-size companies like Genesee fell by the wayside.

Likewise,  today,  he said, “VC firms are no longer trying to be all things to all entrepreneurs; they’re taking a dedicated approach.  Recently, four or five firms raised more than $1B but mid-sized firms are struggling.”

CA Webb, Executive Director of the New England Venture Capital Association, said that considering this a time of “introspection and innovation” is “optimistic…The reality is that the industry is taking a hard look at itself. Some say that the ‘sky is falling,’ because there’s less money being invested; this means that some firms will shut down. Those that succeed will need to articulate clearly just what they are willing to offer and to whom.”

Tango pointed out that “Innovation [in the VC industry] creates a challenge for entrepreneurs because VC firms are “all over the map,” and “it’s difficult to know which one is right for [a particular startup]. It’s easier now to get seed money–but terms are often more difficult to distinguish.”


Current trends
In asking the panelists for their views on the current venture funding situation, Hron shared Q1 2012 statistics showing  a large number of deals but a drop in total funding compared with previous quarters– in indicating fewer “megadeals.”  “Should entrepreneurs should be optimistic because of the number of deals or pessimistic about the size of the deals?” he asked.

Fewer large deals
Tango responded that one reason for the decline in large deals has to do with the number of deals VCs have previously closed.  In the current economic climate, he explained, it’s difficult raise a stream of money. In a recent study of five VC Web sites, his firm found that many VCs are already sitting on the boards of 10-17 companies in which they have invested. “If you’re fundraising…if you’re already on 15 boards, you need to spend your time fund raising,” not sitting on additional boards.

Smaller investments
Beisel described what he called a longer term trend:  in some sectors, especially digital media, companies don’t need to raise as much money for initial funding as in other sectors–so at earlier stages, the venture community is reacting by not writing $5M checks but rather $1M or .5 M.

In Webb’s view, “seeding is now like the old Series A funding: there is a lot of seed money to go around but Series A is now looking like the old series C “(IE–difficult to come by).

Follow-on funding can be problematic.
Tango agreed –describing a firm that backed 20 companies with seed money but told him it will provide only 2 % of those with Series A funding.  He added that the situation is even more complicated because even at the “seed stage,”different VCs require different terms.

In fact, he recommended, “Ninety per cent of startups should be bootstrapped (funded by self, friends and family) because other investors expect that they will get their money out within a few years. “With VC funding, you’re becoming a fiduciary…taking on ‘credit card debt’ that you will need to pay back.”

In Beisel’s view, before taking any money from VCs, an entrepreneur needs to know how outsiders view the firm, the reputation of the VC firm, which partner will be best for the company, and whether the firm usually adds to series funding or “will you be one of the 98% that get dropped?”

Health care vs. other  investment
Citing a decline in financing for health care ventures in Massachusetts compared with increased financing for Internet and mobile technology, Hron asked if investors are seeking short-term gains as instead of  taking the long view required for biotechnology and pharma payback.

Webb responded that one reason for the slowdown in health care company funding is that the US Food and Drug Administration is taking longer to approve products so the horizons for investors are longer. As a result, investors are shifting toward healthcare technology, “big data” and products that will bring a quicker return.

In Beisel’s view, “Over the last ten years the returns for health care investment have not been that great; health care is now even more challenging. But VCs won’t shift to other spaces; the money just won’t get raised.”

Long -term trends
According to Hron, the data suggest a rise in VC investing in Washington State, Texas, and Illinois. “Are we seeing the rise of a national VC community or is this a blip?” he asked. “And will VC investors look at companies nationwide?”

Tango and Beisel agreed that large investors are looking at companies nationally and internationally–especially in the Internet space.

They also agreed that it’s unlikely that VCs will spring up in Kansas or in “third-tier American cities,” as Beisel; put it.  In Tango’s view, “they will still be centered in Boston, NY and California.”  Beisel pointed out that that VC firms are on the rise in nations like Argentina and Eastern Europe.  According to Webb, “Capital clusters around academic institutions: You won’t see much density elsewhere.”

Crowd sourcing
Regarding the  recent passage of legislation allowing corporate fundraising through crowd sourcing, panelists expressed concerns about possibilities for fraud and entry of organized crime; and also  that unsophisticated investors might not know that seasoned professionals expect to lose money on most  investments—in hopes that a few will have big payoffs.

Asked by Hron if VCs will look askance at companies raising initial funding through crowd sourcing, Beisel said  that it’s fine to get seed money wherever you can but a “real company” will need institutional investors in order to grow large.

In Tango’s view, “Your source of funding depends on what you want to accomplish: Do you just want to get money…or are you looking for series of VC rounds, advice and support?”



David Beisel – David is Co-Founder and Partner of NextView Ventures, a dedicated seed-stage venture capital firm focused on investments in internet startups.  Previously he was an investor at both Venrock and Masthead Venture Partners, where he served on the boards of BlogHer and Gazelle.  Prior to joining Masthead, he co-founded Sombasa Media, an e-mail marketing company which was successfully acquired by About.com and subsequently became a division of Primedia (NYSE: PRM), where he served as Vice President of Marketing.  He is also the founder of the Web Innovators Group, a quarterly entrepreneur-focused event which attracts nearly a thousand attendees.  David blogs atwww.GenuineVC.com.

Jo Tango – Jo is Founder and Partner of Kepha Partners, an early-stage venture capital firm.   Previously, Jo spent was a General Partner at Highland Capital Partners, where he worked for nearly nine year, and before that he spent five years with Bain & Company.  Jo has invested in the e-commerce, search engine, Internet ad network, wireless, supply chain software, storage, database, security, on-line payments and data center virtualization spaces.  He has been a founding or first institutional investor in Azuki Systems, Bit9, ExaGrid, StreamBase Systems, Vertica Systems (acquired by Hewlett-Packard), Virtual Iron (acquired by Oracle) and VoltDB, getting involved nearly always at the company inception phase. Other investments include Ask Jeeves (Nasdaq: ASKJ), Digital Market (acquired by Agile Software), and NextCard (Nasdaq: NXCD).

C.A. Webb – C.A. became the Executive Director of the New England Venture Capital Association in January 2012.  Members of the NEVCA include more than 700 venture capital professionals from over 100 firms that collectively manage more than $50 billion in capital.  C.A. has spent her career in entrepreneurial roles with mission driven, early stage and high growth organizations. Her work has focused on breakthrough business models in a diverse array of industries including retail and packaged goods (Whole Foods Market), consumer internet technology (Care.com), sustainability (Preserve Products), historic preservation (Trinity Boston Foundation), public education (Boston Collegiate Charter School), and publishing (Fast Company magazine

US Economy Will See 3 Percent Growth Morgan Stanley Expert Tells Kendall Square Audience

Speaking at the British Consulate in Kendall Square, last week,  Morgan Stanley Chief Market Strategist David Kelly predicted slow (3%) growth for the US economy in 2012–unless  there are no major disruptions  like  last year’s  Arab Spring, the European Debt Crisis,  the Tsunami in Japan or  what he termed a “home grown” crisis like the one created when Congress allowed this country to hover on the brink of default rather than raise the debt ceiling.

While the deficit is cause for concern, he said, a default would have thrown the nation into a true “great depression.” In diminishing its debt,  the US should proceed slowly. Both tax and entitlement reforms are needed, he said, and moving bit by bit can lead to a balanced budget within 7 years (?) whereas trying to change everything all at once could lead to disaster.

Despite the crises of  2011,   he pointed out, the Standard and Poor’s Index ended up  just .003 percent lower than it had been  at the year’s start. The coming year will  be one of uncertainty, but “the US economy can grow through that, ” he said.

According to Kelly,   factors in several areas will  likely lead to growth:

-The  current very low level of housing starts, low inventories and  rising rents will lead to greater demand for homes, especially as consumer finances continue to improve.

-With mortgage rates at 3.8 percent, consumers are refinancing their homes, which means that consumers now have 14% disposable income, compared with 11% in 2007.

-This is the most affordable housing market “ever. ” Mortgage payments now account for  just 10 percent of average household income–which means that people have more money to spend elsewhere.


-The age of the average vehicle in the US has risen from 9.8 several years ago to ten years;  as cars break  down, sales will go up.

Capital Spending
-Companies have held back on capital spending; as confidence rises,  spending will increase.%.

The key to it all, he emphasized, is confidence that the economy will improve.  Still, he said, he wished that  Ben Bernacke and the Federal Reserve Bank would take the year off “to work on their golf game” instead of telling people that interest rates will remain low for the next few years–which encourages people to put off spending.  What is more, he said,  keeping interest rates low will discourage banks from lending–because they do not want to be locked in to low rates for thirty years, when they know that rates are likely to rise a few years from now.

A link to Morgan Stanley’s  Guide to the Markets for Q1 2012     is available at


—Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, a strategic PR firm specializing in integrated marketing communications, thought leadership,  media relations and social media for companies in health, science, technology and energy, worldwide. 


Cambridge Local Unions Protest With Huge Inflated Rat

Rat balloon-insulators, tin knockers, pipefitters union protest  Local AFL-CIO Insulators, Tin Kinockers and Pipefitters from Cambridge Local  use a large inflatable rat to make clear how they feel about the use of non-union, non-Cambridge workers by PH Mechanical for work currently underway at 302 Third Street in Kendall Square.  “They don’t conform to community standards; they are unlicensed, and they have no apprentice program,” said one union member who declined to give his name. He said he expects that Cambridge City Council will be discussing the issue at its next meeting, possibly this evening.

 Photos C. Anita M. HarrisInsulators, Tin Knocker, & Pipefitters Local AFL-CIO unions protest use of non-union workers at 302 3rd St.

—Anita M. Harris

Anita Harris is a writer in Cambridge, MA.  New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group,  a marketing and public relations firm based in Kendall Square, Cambridge.

Ladino Music Group Aljashu to perform at 2012 Boston Jewish Music Festival

 I much enjoyed the musical group Aljashu’s first concert three years ago at Boston’s Berkelee School of Music and am  pleased to report that the group will be performing at the 3rd annual Boston Jewish Music Festival (BJMF) on Monday, March 5th, at 7:30 pm,  in Brookline. 
The performance of  Sephardic songs, in the Ladino language from the Spain of the 1400s, will take place in the chapel at Ohabei Shalom– the oldest synagogue in Massachusetts– whose name translates as “Lovers of Peace.” 

  It will feature vocalist Julia Madeson, Ali Amr on the rare 72-string qa’nun, Tev Stevig and Jussi Reijonen on ouds and guitars, Tareq Rantisi and Brian O’Neill on percussion, and Naseem Alatrash on cello.

In a letter to friends, Madeson writes, “It will be an exciting night of inspiring beautiful songs and intercultural exchange highlighting players from the Middle East in an opportunity to experience what is true between cultures and beyond borders.” 

Tickets are available online at https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/218285  ($15 in advance; $20 at the door)

 YouTube video from the Berklee Performance Center last year.
Just go to YouTube music and type in Julia Madeson, or use these links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9LImA2UhVc  for Una matika de ruda, the song that’s a conversation between a mother and her daughter about budding love;  also
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XGv1P1dVfs for Morenika, the song wherein a young woman declares to her fiancé that she’s a catch so he had better be nice to her since there are sailors, and even princes, with their eyes on her.

Directions to Ohabei Shalom:

Ohabei Shalom – Lovers of Peace 

1187 Beacon Street 
Brookline, MA  02446-5499 
(617) 277.6610

At the intersection of Beacon & Kent Streets, it’s convenient for both public transit and cars,with street parking on Beacon Street – both immediately to either side of the building,as well as on both sides of the Green line “C” train tracks and across the street. 

If riding the T, take the “C” line Kent Street stop, it’s right there.


Review: Boston ICA Draw/Dance Transforms Ways of Seeing, Being

It’s not that often that I leave an art exhibit with a new way of  seeing the world, but that’s what happened after I visited the ICA’s dance/draw exhibit, last weekend.

As described in an ICA press release, the show, ” organized by  ICA Chief Curator Helen Molesworth,  traces the journey of the line from changes in drawing in the 1960s to its explosion off the page and into three-dimensional space—ultimately finding itself in the realm of dance.  It  features  some 100 works—including video, photography, drawings and sculptural objects and  live performances.”

Based on the ICA Website’s  rather  formal description ( “In both dance and drawing, the line, as an independent means of expression, was liberated from the historical ideal of perfect form, to become a  mobile, open-ended element used to explore history, memory, and the expressive potential of the body”)   I thought the show would  dry and difficult–which is why I managed to avoid seeing it until just before the exhibit closes- on January 16.  And am I sorry!  Because what I found was a  refreshing new way of experiencing both dance and drawing–as well as objects and movement in the real world–that I’d like to go back to again and again.

One section of the exhibit shows how artists used body parts and objects rather than traditional drawing implements to make art. For example,  Janine Antoni used her eyelashes and mascara to make patterns on canvas;  Trisha Brown’s superimposed  tracings of her feet show motion in themselves; John Cage drew with plants and seaweed; David Hammons bounced a basketball covered with dirt onto a white background,  and Mona Hatou, below, drew with her own hair dipped in hair dye.   Photos and the works themselves document the artmaking processes–which often  involved dance-like  movement. 1.

In another room, a section called “The Line in Space” includes works in which  thread, string, or wire were used to form line–off of paper or canvas.  Of this group, I especially liked the mesmorizing simplicity of  Fred Sandback’s “Untitled Sculptural Study”   hung  in space.

If I recall correctly, a thread red  acryllic yarn hung up and down from ceiling to floor to the left, blue from the wall to the red thread, and yellow parallel on the floor–forming a three-dimensional representation of a Mondrian-like grid.

I also got a new perspective on  charcoal drawing  when I encountered Cornelia Parker’s  Hanging Fire (Suspected Arson)  sculpture, which is part of the ICA’s permanent collection. Composed of chunks of charcoal hung from the ceiling on wire mesh, in this new context, the piece becomes a charcoal drawing– in space.

A third section, “Dancing,” explores challenges to traditional modern dance as dance performances were moved off the stage into  the “real world”  of streets, mountains, the subway and such.  “Babette Mangolte’s photographs and films of Judson dancers Trisha Brown and Lucinda Childs show us the dancing body, in its entirety, rigorously defining itself as a line in space…. Juan Capistran’s break dancing in a museum (below) “similarly engages dance to defy protocols of normative behavior. “2.

Finally, in the section “Drawing,”  younger artists demonstrate “how movement, performance, and drawing are ineluctably mixed… ” . 3. For example, Tseng Kwong Chi photographs  Bill T. Jones Body Painting with Keith Haring; Fiona Banner copies  life-drawing manuals, in which the figure often appears to be in flight; Silke Otto Knapp  traces photographic images of dancers  onto luminous silver-painted canvases, and  Helena Almeida has herself photographed while she is drawing.                                                         4.  

I loved these and  many other works in the exhibit–and can’t do justice to them all.   But my favorite was a video in which dancer William Forsythe explains and shows  how he as a dancer moves– over, under and around electronically superimposed lines and shapes –forming new lines, shapes and volume.    5.

The day after seeing the show, I could not help but notice  lines, shapes and volume in relation to individuals’ movement everywhere in my life.


Draw/Dance will be at the ICA through January 16, 2012, with major support  fromThe Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Ronald and Ronni Casty, the HBB Foundation, and Jacqueline Bernat and Adam Hetnarski.


1.Janine Antoni (Bahamian, born 1964)
Loving Care, 1992-96
Color video, sound; 35:50 minutes
Performance on January 7, 1996, MATRIX
Gallery, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art,
Hartford, CT
Courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine,
New York

2.Helena Almeida (Portuguese, born 1934)
O Atelier/The Studio, 1983
Black-and-white photograph
67 3/8 x 48 7/8 in.
Framed: 69 ¼ x 50 ¾ in.
Exhibition copy, courtesy of the artist

3.Juan Capistran (Mexican, born 1976)
The Breaks, 2000
Inkjet print
40 x 40 in.
Collection of the New Museum of Contemporary
Art, New York, The Altoids Curiously Strong
Collection, Gift of Altoids
4.Tseng Kwong Chi (Chinese, 1950-1990)
Bill T. Jones Body Painting with Keith Haring,
Gelatin silver selenium-toned photograph
20 x 16 in.
Muna Tseng Dance Projects / Estate of Tseng
Kwong Chi and Courtesy of Paul Kasmin Galler

5.William Forsythe (American, born 1949)
Lectures from Improvisation Technologies, 2011
Color video, sound; 9:54 min.
The Forsythe Company and ZKM, Karlsruhe,

–Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, a public relations firm located in Cambridge, MA.  Harris, its founder and president, also blogs there.