Love and Other Drugs: Funny but Difficult

The pharmaceutical industry and especially Pfizer will hate Ed Zwick’s forthcoming movie–Love and Other Drugs–which portrays drug reps  as money-grubbing sex fiends.  

But while the  film, starring   Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway,  is loaded withsex scenes and Viagra jokes, don’t be fooled: it’s funny and enjoyable for the most part but deals with some very difficult and provocative themes.

In the film,  neer-do-well salesman  Jamie Randall (Gyllenhaal) takes up with the beautiful and insightful  Maggie Murdoch (Hathaway) who, at age 26, has been diagnosed with Stage 1 Parkinson’s Disease. Like Erich Segal’s 1970 Love Story, the film portrays the joys of love but also the anguish that comes with any incurable illness– here, in the context of seemingly uncaring pharmaceutical and medical industries.

Hathaway is convincing, even mesmorizing as the artist and activist who brings old people to Canada to buy drugs. Gyllenhaal is believable and fun as a manipulative salesman who seduces, in one way or another, every woman he meets. The two portray their characters’ evolving realization/questioning of what’s important in life.

I enjoyed the film, but I left feeling unsettled and a bit disturbed–a result of tension between the funny and sad parts, worry about the future of the characters—and wonder about how I myself might deal with a loved one’s serious health issues

My friend K commented that while he liked the film, he felt it was opportunistic –that Zwick and the actors will make a ton of money–while people with Parkinsons and other incurable, debilitating diseases will just go on struggling. 

But I thought Zwick did a great job of personalizing and making more manageble what can sometimes seem like overwhelming problems,  and that he has performed an important service by asking serious questions in a way that will be palatable to a  mass audience.

I recently met Zwick– who was having a publicity photo  taken at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge–and asked why he made the film. It wasn’t for money, he said. He’d been impressed with Jamie Reidy’s  non-fiction book Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman, on which the movie is based,  and had personal experience with a situation like the one the movie describes.

For the pharmaceutical industry…it’s not a pretty picture. But I guess they’ll have to–and have the resources to –fend for themselves.

The film is to be released in late November. In the meatime, here’s a link to the official site and a trailer:  http://www.loveandotherdrugsthemovie.com/

—Anita M. Harris
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group of Cambridge, MA.

Cambridge Community TV Day is 9-22-10

The City of Cambridge has proclaimed tomorrow (September 22, 2010) as “CCTV Day.” Cambridge Community Television–one of the City’s best resources for anyone who wants to learn TV production and computer skills–has asked everyone to spread the word. I’ve taken a number of good courses, there.  CCTV’s announcement follows.
–Anita M. Harris  
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group of Cambridge, MA.


CCTV News, September 21, 2010


               Special Announcement! 9/22/10 is CCTV Day!

What is CCTV Day?
 The City of Cambridge has declared 9/22/10 (for CCTV’s Channels 9, 10 & 22!) “CCTV Day,” recognizing CCTV as a forum for Cambridge residents since 1988.

To commemorate this special declaration and day, CCTV is hosting special programming and events in the evening of Wednesday, September 22. Please spread the word about the following, and tune in for the special programming!

1) Go to Harvard Square, Porter Square or Lechmere and look for our camera crews from 6-7pm. Tell your friends and neighbors, then tune in to Channels 9, 10 & 22 at 8pm to see yourself on TV!

2) Take a tour of our studio from 7-8pm. The first nine Cambridge residents (who have not been members) to stop by will receive a FREE CCTV membership! (Must show proof of Cambridge residency)

3) Tune in at 8pm to Channels 9, 10 & 22 for a LIVE
program featuring Cambridge residents who use their CCTV
programs for positive contributions to the community. (followed by footage from the squares; see #1).


 computerCENTRAL Internships Open
CCTV’s computer lab seeks interns for our fall schedule. Unique  
opportunity with great benefits and experience.The following internships are available:

Public Access Computer Lab Hours – Sunday 4-5:30pm
Provide support for members of the public in a variety of computer uses.

Web Media Help – Friday 3pm-6pm
Provide CCTV producers basic to advanced web media production help.

Details and benefits of interning:
    * Work 2-3 hours per week for up to 4 months
    * Receive free membership to CCTV
    * Take free classes for the duration of the internship
    * Production opportunities available
    * College credit possible
    * Network with the local video production community
    * Get valuable teaching experience.

If interested in applying, please email your resume, 2 references, and availability to nicole@cctvcambridge.org. See http://www.cctvcambridge.org/computerinterns for more  


In This Issue
computerCENTRAL Interns Needed
This Week in NeighborMedia
What’s Next: Aging in Cambridge Panel Discussion Urban Ag-Fair Celebrates Local Products

Cambridge Carnival International 2010 is a Big Hit!

Free Adult Education and Family Literacy Classes

Cambridge Eyesores: For Sale and Now Only $1 Million!

ACT Artist Interview: Merline Sylvain-Williams

What Will the New Signage Regulations Mean for Cambridge?

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CCTV | 675 Massachusetts Avenue | Cambridge | MA | 02139

Eat, Love and Pray you don’t have to see it again

Went to see my cousin (James Franco) in Eat, Pray Love with my 89-year-old mom, last night. It was so boring she wanted to leave BEFORE her second? third? cousin Mitzi’s grandson from Cleveland even came on. And he was only the FIRST boyfriend.

I made her stay to see him, at least, and we agreed, James  is VERY cute. (The server in the restaurant next door told us she wanted to KISS him).  When James got dumped, my mom asked me if I wanted to leave. (I didn’t–I wanted to see how they handled the ashram scenes).

At one point, Mom handed me a kleenex because we were supposed to be feeling sorry for the Julia Roberts character, who was really wallowing. I apologized  for making Mom stay. She told me no problem, she was enjoying the scenery (not sure if she meant James Franco or Rome) but, really, how many spaghetti closeups can one 89-year-old enjoy?

Made it through the ashram (which I thought was the best part of both the book and the movie, tho it’s not clear how Julia managed to have a spiritual conversion, her guru being a rather annoying Texan. ), then on to Bali.  Not clear how, in book or movie, Julia managed to have a spiritual converversion, her guru being a toothless medicine man who didn’t have much interesting advice except to go for the Brazilian.

My mom could not understand why she would go for such an old guy if she wanted to have children.  Especially when I pointed out that Julia Roberts is 42–but Mom said the character was supposedly in her 30s. She was very surprised to learn that it was a true story and that Elizabeth Gilbert, who wrote the book, ended up marrying the Brazilian. So he could stay in the US.

My mom, who is getting a bit forgetful, told me that if she forgot the title and went to see it again I have her permission to put her in a home.

The upshot: James Franco is hot. Eat first, love the person you see it with, and pray you don’t have to sit through  it again.

–Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group of Cambridge, MA.

Mao’s Last Dancer–breathtakingly beautiful

Photo from Mao's Last DancerLoved Mao’s Last Dancer, a new film based on the true story of ballet dancer Li Cunxin, who, as a child, was pulled from his poor family in the Chinese countryside to train in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution–and through his own quest for freedom  wound up an international star.  

Directed by Bruce Beresford (Driving Miss Daisy, Tender Mercies)  the movie was filmed in China, Houston and Australia–and stars  Birmingham Royal Ballet Principal Dancer Chi Cao, Australian Ballet dancer Chengwu Guo  and Huang Wen Bin, who play Cunxin at different ages. 

Mao’s Last Dancer showcases many beautiful–even breathtaking–ballet sequences from acclaimed Australian choreographer Graeme Murphy and co stars  co-stars Bruce Greenwood, Kyle MacLachlan and Joan Chen.

The story is so moving that I even teared up at times–despite a bit of clunky acting ( foregivable because the artists are dancers, first, of course).

Mao’s Last Dancer premiered on 13rd September 2009, at the Toronto International Film Festival and will be opening in theaters Oct. 1, 2010.  I’d give it 3 and 3/4 stars–and a great recommendation for anyone who likes dance and US patriotism.

–Anita Harris

New Cambridge

In and Out: Chakaia Booker–untiring at the DeCordova

Chakaia Booker 5-21-10

  Another must see:  Chakaia Booker’s  big black sculptures made from rubber tires, at the DeCordova Museum in Lincoln, MA.

Booker "Picture frame"

Outdoor sculptures include a  huge “picture frame” made of tire scraps assembled on some sort of armature– through which you can see a corner of the museum . Also,  inverted tee-pee-like structure, composed of V-shaped scraps, on a scaffolding.

"No More Milk and Cookies"

 Indoors: complex forms,  freestanding and on the walls–which embody shapes, textures, and visually complex abstract scenes “referencing African textiles and body decoration to evoke issues of black culture, identity, gender, and environmentalism,” as the DeCordova Web site explains.

The sculptures also bring up important questions about relationships of man-made waste materials, landscape, and culture.

Some  of the sculptures look like whimsical worms or insects; despite the overall “heavy” message of the show, these  are simply fun….and so highly textural that  you want to touch them. (I have to admit…my friend E and I each copped a feel—tho appearing soft, most of the rubber pieces are hard–before discovering a demonstration area near the exhibit where you can actually play with tire materials).

As the Decordova points out on its Web site:

Formally, Booker’s work is engaged in dialogue with the history of Western sculpture, from the ancient and classical tradition of the human figure through the Modernist non-objective sculpture of the twentieth century.

What sets her work apart, and significantly expands upon the history of sculpture, is her ability–with rubber tires–to create surfaces on objects that resemble skins, feathers, scales, spikes, armor, or attire.

These surfaces, in concert with their underlying forms, serve as metaphors for a potent range of emotions and psychological states.
Booker’s sculptures can seem alluring, threatening, encompassing, vulnerable, majestic, humorous, ominous, or tender.
I wanted to jump into “It’s So Hard to Be Green”…instead, asked E to take my photo in front of it.
AMH and Hard to be Green

In and Out refers simultaneously to the indoor/outdoor placement of the sculptures, the complex dialogues among surface/structure and mass/volume/void in each work, and also to the sexually suggestive images in some of Booker’s work.
I  confess that I didn’t catch the sexual suggestions…but maybe that’s the wanting to jump into it, part.

I was repelled (and fascinated)  by a huge bug-like sculpture,  but did find the patterns beautiful and mesmorizing.  

Throughout the indoor exhibit, I marvelled at Booker’s creativity–and, while, at first, felt a bit put off by all of the black, was  impressed with how effective it was in highlighting spatial relationships, recognizable objects, African fabric and body art patterns, and abstract form.

[Added 5-25-10: and thinking more about it–perhaps the all-black sculptures makes a further, important point about power and variation of and within black cultures, nations, communities and individuals.  Brava! AMH]

The show will be up through August 29, 2010.

—-Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group of Cambridge, MA .

Health gizmos for non-geeks: new monitoring devices for staying well

You don’t need to be a geek to get into some of the newest technology for keeping track of your health. I was blown away when I heard about pill bottle caps that will tell  you (or your doctor or your caretakers)  if you’ve forgotten to take your meds…a kazoo that measures the chemistry of the air from your lungs…and a telephone that can assess whether you’re depressed–from the tones of your voice.

These gizmos are the brainchildren of David Rose, an entrepreneur who is now the CEO of Vitality, Inc., in Cambridge.  Rose has also invented bathroom scales that can show whether you’ve lost or gained weight, an umbrella that can sense whether it’s going to rain, and objects that assess air quality.

Rose was one of four panelists who spoke last week at a program sponsored by the Medical Development Group about some astounding new health gadgets, most of which are actually on the market. (MDG is a Boston area organization for individuals involved in the medical device and technology industries). 

Rose focused on the above-mentioned pill bottle “Glo-Caps”, which “sense”  when a patient takes a medication, and, via a wireless Internet connection, show health care professionals, patients or caregivers whether reminders are needed.  

The caps light up, play a melody, and even ring a home phone to remind patients to take their pills.  The caps can send weekly emails to remote caregivers, create accountability with doctors through an adherence report, and automatically refill prescriptions. 

Glo-Caps are not currently available for purchase by individuals, but they are being used by patients enrolled in programs sponsored by certain health insurers and pharmacies.

Panelist Ben Rubin, Co-Founder and Chief Technology officer of Zeo, in Newton, MA, described Zeo’s novel  headset and device that monitor an individual’s REM sleep and factors influencing sleep patterns.  Knowing how well you sleep is important because sleep is closely tied to health conditions like obesity, depression, diabetes and the like, Rubin said. “If you measure it, you can manage it.” 

Zeo’s sleep devices, which cost $250,  connect to  an Internet site. For an additional $100, Zeo provides email advice coaching to help individuals improve their “sleep hygiene.” 

There’s also a  Smart Phone application designed to promote better sleep:  using the Ap, you put your phone under your pillow to measure your movement (and restlessness) during sleep.

Panelists also described glucose monitors that send data to doctors via patients’ Smart Phones and Nike running shoes that measure your steps. At one point, Rose pulled out a keychain that tells him whether he’s met his daily walking goals and whether he’s on track (ha ha) to meet his monthly goals.

Also mentioned  were Internet tools such as a Google Ap to measure flu trends; Healthmedia, through which Johnson & Johnson provides digital coaching for managing stress and chronic disease, Philips Direct, which provides live coaching over email, and various “calorie and other body monitors through which individuals can receive online coaching through gyms.

All of these devices fall under a category moderator David Barash, MD, CEO of Concord [MA] Health Strategies calls “local health monitoring” –meaning that the devices can be used by patients or consumers almost anywhere–rather than just at home or in a hospital,  doctor’s office or lab.

 According to a recent review by my client, Scientia Advisors, “remote health monitoring” devices are the fastest growing category in a booming home health care market. 

The devices are growing in popularity in sync with an aging population, increasing chronic disease, and new Internet technologies, Barash said.

Panelist Frank McGillin, Vice President of Global Marketing for Philips Healthcare, which markets a variety of home monitoring devices, said  remote monitoring  will become increasing important in light of growing health care costs.

Gillin cited government statistics showing that  health care current accounts for 17.6 percent of the  gross domestic product in the US, and that by 2050, half of the population in the developed world will be chronically ill—making traditional medical care  fiscally overwhelming. 

Devorah Klein, PhD, a principal at Continuum, in Newton, MA, who designs devices and evaluates patient adherence to therapy regimes for diabetes, asthma, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and erectile dysfunction, emphasized that  simple designs are key because “many patients are not all that interested” in learning to use devices.

And Barash pointed out that while many consumers may be intrigued by these gizmos, doctors have been slow to embrace them.

 For one thing, with a dearth of clinical trials to assess devices’ effectiveness, insurers are reluctant to reimburse doctors for evaluating the data thus compiled.

For another,  it’s not clear how doctors can manage or assess  potentially large amounts of additional data, or  how data collected for individual conditions can be assessed in relation to data collected elsewhere for other, possibly related, conditions.

–Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is published by the Harris Communications Group, a  writing  and public relations firm in Cambridge, MA.  All rights reserved.

Televised Panel on Web & Civic Engagement to include New Cambridge Observer


I am pleased to have spoken about New Cambridge Observer on a panel presented by Cambridge Community Television–and televised on Cambridge’s Channel Ten (CCTV) on April 13 at 6:30 pm! It’s now posted at  http://www.cctvcambridge.org/Net_to_Neighborhood . My presentation is about 6 minutes in…after two introductions.

 Here’s the scoop:


Using the Web to Connect Your Community & Encourage Civic Engagement in CambridgeFrom raising awareness about important local issues to gathering people for community events, ordinary people are making use of inexpensive, easy-to-use web tools to organize in their communities. We’ll cover strategic uses of blogging, web video, social networking, web sites, and more. Be sure to tune in to learn how six Cambridge individuals are using these tools for positive change in their communities, and how you can too!Panelists Include:

  • Moderator: Chris Csikszentmihályi, Director of the MIT Center for Future Civic Media;
  • Garrett Anderson, Cambridge Energy Alliance, on social networking tools;
  • Toni Bee, Area 4 correspondent for NeighborMedia;
  • D.C. Denison, Boston Globe technology writer, Porter Square Neighborhood Association webmaster;
  • Anita Harris, New Cambridge Observer blog, Harris Communications Group, former PBS journalist;
  • Mark Jaquith, East Cambridge correspondent for NeighborMedia;
  • Karin Koch, NeighborMedia correspondent and producer of Vida Latina.

The panel goes 6:30-8:30 at CCTV, 675 Mass Ave (enter on Prospect St), Cambridge. I hope you can make it!

–Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group of Cambridge, MA. We also publish Harriscom Blog and Ithaca Diaries Blog.

ICA’s “Roni Horn AKA Roni Horn” a Must See AKA Must See

Roni Horn AKA Roni Horn is a must-see restrospective by painter/photographer/sculptor/poet named…you guessed it:  “Roni Horn.” 

ICAAt Boston’s  Institute of Contemporary Art, the show, the first to compile such a large body of her work,  explores the changing nature of identity and perception.

In several galleries, the show  does so through photographic portraits of the artist and others at different stages of life.  

On the ICA’s first floor, photographs of the artist juxtapose images of her looking  traditionally masculine with others in which she appears “traditionally feminine–” from early childhood to the present.

On the fourth floor,   large portaits of her niece, also taken at different ages,  show slightly different expressions, moods, attitudes– are repeated, Warhol-like, in photo after photo.

Young girl--face 

Another gallery features pairs of seemingly identical photos of the heads and necks of owls and other birds taken from behind. 

Yet another includes two identical? photos of a white owl on a black perch.

Dead Owl, 1998

An ICA brochure explains  that many of Horne’s works are  “composed as pairs, series or with multiple sides, inviting us to notice subtle yet infinte difference between their parts. ”

I was particularly intrigued and impressed with Horn’s large format photographs of water in nature–roiling, calm, on rocks, with glints of sun–many taken of London’s River Thames–and Horn’s accompanying poetic commentary on the changing nature of water and our perception of it. 

Photo of water, 1999 Thames

Still Water, 1999

The “water” gallery  also includes two glass sculptures–one largely clear and white, the other mostly black–which, at times,  appear to be receptacles filled with water but have surfaces that seem to change shape. 

  Through a doorway in this gallery, the viewer can see out onto the water in Boston Harbor–highlighting all the more our involvement in/relation to/changing perception of the substance that is part and parcel of our existence–but can also destroy us.  

I also enjoyed Horn’s colorful glass sculptures–one, entitled “Pink Tons” , is the largest chunk of glass ever cast; the other, a  red  hassock-like piece with a squished-in corner that reminded me of a gigantic “gummy bear.”

Pink Tons

Both appeared to change in form and texture depending on the viewer’s vantage point. 

“Peer over the top of Pink Tons’ opaque cast sides into a seemingly liquid center that reacts to the atomsospheric changes of Boston’s light and weather. This five-ton glass cube is at once imposing and inviting, brutish yet pink, ”  the  brochure explains.

“Integrating difference is the basis of identity, not the exclusion of it,” Horn writes. “You are this and this and that….”

Not only is each work beautiful and provocative in itself–but the show as a whole,  which integrates a multitude of media and art forms,  is a brilliant expression encorporating the artist’s multiple talents and perceptions –and our own.  

—Anita M. Harris

New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group. We also publish HarrisCom Blog and Ithaca Diaries Blog.