Tag: new cambridge observer


Nurturing Networking/Branding Bonding

I left meetings of Women and Energy and Seltzer Design feeling feeling enlightened, energized and enthusiastic about bringing nurturing and community spirit community to my own marketing and client work–and wondering if (hoping that) new ways of doing business can prevail–despite the economic downturn.

Concord Art's "Unique Print" show makes good impression

The show is a colorful collection of monotypes, monoprints and experimental prints composed of fabrics, hand quilting, stamping, sandpaper, and pastel, on wood, metal, ink and paper, and combinations of the above. It celebrates New England artists and printers “trying something new, breaking the rules.”

Look back, move forward

In his 3-05-09 post “Probe the Past to Protect the Future,” Washington DC business-advocate-re-turned investigative journalist Andrew Kreig says it’s “nonsense”for the country to look forward without addressing the “wrongs” of the recent past “nonsense”….I’m not anxious to delve back into the murky recent past. By temperament, like Obama, I would rather let it all go. But as George Santayana said, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” I don’t relish the possibility of investigations, indictments or imprisonments. But I do think it’s important to find out why things went so wrong in hopes that we never have to go through times like those–or these–again.