Tag: new cambridge observer


Shepard Fairey Revisited Again

On closer inspection, it becomes clear that Fairey has greatly transformed the photo, which he uses in a provocative interchange with the colors, images, slogans, stencils, newspaper clippings and other elements typical of (and original to) his work.

No Valentine for Microsoft

Much as I appreciated the companionship on Valentine’s night, the relationship is just not working out. It’s hard to break up with Microsoft…but, clearly, it’s something I have to do.

Free Vista, Comcast help: you get what you pay for and a new social life

It’s not that I don’t appreciate my new social life and those late night calls from apologetic tech support professionals in India, but now that I’m in my 61st hour of a Microsoft Vista meltdown and my sixth day of a Comcast email failure, I hope that the companies will send in reinforcements or that a lawyer will start a class action lawssuit or two.

Fairey bruhaha enhances coffers–especially lawyers'.

The Boston arrest of street artist Shepard Fairey, along with the AP suit and countersuit concerning a copyrighted photograph of Obama, are part and parcel of Shepard Fairey’s art–which as a whole is a provocative–and, now, increasingly lucrative–challenge to authority. Still, it’s nice that someone is making money at a time when the world appears to be going to rack and ruin, and it’s fun to have something new to think about.

The Economy: Where are we headed?

In a talk at Harvard’s Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, New York Times Business Columnist Joe Nocera offered background and commentary on the current financial crisis. In answer to the question posed by the talk’s title: The Economy: Where are we Headed,” he resoundingly proclaimed, “I don’t know.”

Obama Celebration-poetry and pictures

Watching the Obama inauguration ceremonies on TV, I felt disappointed by poet Elizabeth Alexander’s “Praise Song for the Day”…but  agree with Martha Swartz of  Philadelphia, who points out in her email newsletter that that the poem works better read than…