Tag: New Media
Newsrooms Must Adopt “Innovation Culture” To Survive, Google Exec says
Cambridge writer Anita Harris reports on Google News Exec’s advice to newspaper industry at Nieman Foundation, May 11, 2012
Cambridge Community TV Day is 9-22-10
To celebrate CCTV day on Sept 22, 2010, Cambridge Community Television will be videotaping in Harvard, Porter and Lechmere Squares, then showing the results on TV that evening.
CCTV Named #1 Public Access Station in U.S. for 8th Time
Cambridge Community Television has once again received the Overall Excellence in Public Access Programming Award from the national Alliance for Community Media in its Hometown Video Festival. I’ve taken several excellent courses at CCTV–in Dreamweaver, Excel, and MS Publisher; also on video shooting and editing. If you join, fees are nominal–you get $100 worth of…
Boston/NY Newspaper War: Pulitzer Winners Face off
Was surprised last night when two Pulitzer prize winning journalists locked horns on WGBH-TV’s Greater Boston over NYT