Author: Anita M. Harris
The View From Third Street, Harrisburg has launched!
The View From Third Street, Anita M. Harris’ new memoir of the Harrisburg Independent Press, has launched!
Palmer Faran on Ukraine Response: Echoes of the Past
The world was different then, no nuclear bombs, no television. Our excuse was that we didn’t know. (Although many did know.) Now we watch in real time. Buildings crumbling before our eyes, bodies in the street, a child’s shoe in the gutter. This is not a movie. What will be our excuse this time?
Guest Post: Gordon Lewin on dealing with hate before and after Colleyville
Gordon Lewin after the Colleyville Synagogue standoff describes his experiences with antisemitism, and says we need to build bridges to forestall anti semitism and hate. “I am grieving, and not just for those who have suffered. I am grieving for myself, for my loss of optimism.”
Women Artists Challenge Boundaries of Sculpture and Ceramics at Lacoste Gallery, Concord
Author Anita Harris writes about Lacoste gallery show of female artists challenging boundaries of sculpture and ceramics