Category: Guest Posts
Palmer Faran on Ukraine Response: Echoes of the Past
The world was different then, no nuclear bombs, no television. Our excuse was that we didn’t know. (Although many did know.) Now we watch in real time. Buildings crumbling before our eyes, bodies in the street, a child’s shoe in the gutter. This is not a movie. What will be our excuse this time?
Dick Pirozzolo Review: Power, Strategy, the US and the South China Sea
International communications expert Dick Pirozzolo reviews Great Powers, Grand Strategies, a new book urging that the United States play a strong diplomatic role in the Pacific and project naval power as a stalwart against China’s efforts to expand that nation’s influence worldwide.
Christina Inge: Cuts to “Meals on Wheels,” HHS Programs Unfair To Hard Workers
Commentator Christina Inge warns that proposed cuts to budgets for health and human service programs such as “meals on wheels” in Washington, DC will harm not only people who have worked hard all their lives…but also lawmakers’ souls.
Guest Post: Election Results-The Next Ten Years
Guest commentator Mark Orton presents a dark view of the future following the 2016 presidential election.
Guest Post: Could Trump Be Even Worse Than You Think?
In this independent commentary, author Steven Cushing draws parallels between 1933 Germany and the present, and lays out similarities between presidential candidate Donald Trump and Hitler, Caligulia, Mussolini, Whitey Bulger and others. He asks those considering voting for Trump: Would you entrust Bernie Madoff with the password to your bank account? Would you entrust Bill…
An Open Secret—the movie you’ll probably never get to see
After seeing the shocking documentary “An Open Secret,” Boston critic Sheila Green urges Hollywood, news outlets, theaters and the public to take up the issue of child sexual abuse in the American film industry.