Category: Technology
Bio-IT World Review: BIG Data; BIG Promise; BIG CHALLENGES.
New Cambridge Observer’s Anita Harris on BIO-IT World 2012, describing the promise and problems presented by burgeoning of health care data.
Broad Institute Launches Collaborative Genomics “Cloud” Tool for Scientists ,
New Cambridge Observer : to harness and allow sharing of exponentially-developing genetic data, the Broad Institute will launch “Genome Space,”–a co-operative Web based tool aimed at “frictionless” data transfer, later this week.
CCTV and Google to Offer Computer Training for Cambridge Residents Over 50
PR Consultant Anita Harris of Harris Communications Group reports that CCTV and Google reports that Cambridge TV and Google will offer computer training for Cambridge residents over age 50 .
Ann Getman: At a Loss for Word
Who made Microsoft geeks the emperors of syntax and spelling and slang (Oh my!)? Who taught them to spell and keep up with language? Why are they the Wizards of Word?