Category: media finance
Author Anita M. Harris, whose new book is about the founding of the Harrisburg Independent Press, urges readers to donate to Cambridge Day.
Newsrooms Must Adopt “Innovation Culture” To Survive, Google Exec says
Cambridge writer Anita Harris reports on Google News Exec’s advice to newspaper industry at Nieman Foundation, May 11, 2012
CBS News Chief Lauds Obama, predicts stronger newspapers
CBS Evening News Exec: At the recent G20 Summit, “when [Obama] stood up, it was a proud moment for America.”
Boston/NY Newspaper War: Pulitzer Winners Face off
Was surprised last night when two Pulitzer prize winning journalists locked horns on WGBH-TV’s Greater Boston over NYT
Joining Blog Rally to help the Boston Globe
The New Cambridge Observer is pleased to join Beth Israel Hospital’s Paul Levy et all in the blog rally to help the Boston Globe.