Category: social media
Televised Panel on Web & Civic Engagement to include New Cambridge Observer
I’m pleased to be speaking about New Cambridge Observer on a panel presented by Cambridge Community Television–and televised on Boston’s Channel Ten on April 13 at 6:30 pm!
ProPublica: Newsgathering of, by and for the people
I think it’s exciting that members of the public can now help the press enhance understanding of the world we live in. I do wonder how many people will remain interested in contributing for free. But for journalists, here’s a scoop: ProPublica is hiring. —–Anita Harris
Seeking a Vublisher for my Vook
I’m excited to be able integrate a myriad of forms that will allow me to share my experiences and my peers’ with my readers –er–viewers–er surfers. Oh, heck. My audience, if I can figure out how to find one
Look back, move forward
In his 3-05-09 post “Probe the Past to Protect the Future,” Washington DC business-advocate-re-turned investigative journalist Andrew Kreig says it’s “nonsense”for the country to look forward without addressing the “wrongs” of the recent past “nonsense”….I’m not anxious to delve back into the murky recent past. By temperament, like Obama, I would rather let it all…
Rating Social Media Marketing Webinars
This post briefly reviews three January 2009 Webinars on how blogs and other social media tools can best be used to grow businesses.