Mark Hoffman on Venice Biennale 2024: Lines, Form at the German Pavilion

New Cambridge Observer Correspondent Mark S. Hoffman recently returned from Venice Bieniale 2024--the renowned international festival featuring the work of more than 400 artists in its central exhibition and national pavilions. He found much of the work provocative–and took more than 2000 photos. Early on, he found the lines of people waiting to enter galleries so daunting–even during the press preview (April 17-19, 2024)– that he skipped quite a few exhibits. Finally, he decided to brave the crowd at the German Pavilion. After waiting in line for over an hour he got inside, only to find himself in another, slow moving, line. He came to consider that line part of the exhibit and to see it as instrumental to his understanding of the artwork displayed there. Here is his review:

The Venice Biennale is huge, with more than 330 artists, 30 collateral exhibits and many unofficial shows and events. Thousands of media professionals covering it during the press opening creates long lines for art that has gotten the best pre-exhibit writeups. After avoiding the long lines for the first two days, I decided to experience the line at the well-liked German pavilion and learned an interesting lesson. After rushing through other exhibits and waiting in line for this event, I felt I needed to spend more time in the exhibit and gradually came to understand it better and even appreciate it.

I started by going to the front of the line and asking people how long they had been there. Most said they’d been waiting for about an hour. Then I went to the end of the line, know how to pace myself while doing research about the show on my phone. An hour and 10 minutes later I got into the exhibit.

In the first big room, just to the left, was a small room with a fascinating concept: shadows in the air. At the far end of the room was a bright light hidden by the hub of an (approximately) 40-bladed fan spinning very slowly. There were clear shadows of the blades on the floor and walls, but also there were shadows cast on the dust in the air. What I didn’t know until later was that this was a miniature of a spaceship designed as a home for generations of travelers. I never found out why a spaceship would have a huge fan in the vacuum of space.  However, if (by my guess) each blade was 300 feet and it took 20 seconds for a full rotation, the centrifugal force at the tip of each blade would be about the same as gravity on Earth. Maybe that would be good for something.

Further to the right was a large (about 30 feet) video of some sort of pagan dance circle in verdant woods accompanied by loud penetrating music.

The third item in the entrance room was a 3-story circular building. This building had a 25-minute line that got some people to bypass it, but, for me, just being in that extra line created an important experience. The line went about two-thirds around the building, so while standing in it, one could not see where it ended. The line was in the corner of the entrance room so I could not move much from side to side to get much of a look at the line in front of me.

After moving about halfway up the line, I could see the large video over the heads of the people in front of me. I watched the six people in the video who were moving in a circle. Gradually, every other one turned transparent and disappeared. Then the remaining three did the same. The view of the empty forest was replaced by an immense spacecraft with a tiny spacecraft docking to it. I got the sense that the 6 people had been transported to the space station.

I got to watch the video several times as the line moved forward to no visible end. The loud pulsating music seemed to pull me forward. I felt like I was one of the Eloi being pulled to underground slaughterhouses by the sirens of the Morlocks in the 1969 movie version of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells.

But there was no slaughterhouse, just some scenes from a post-apocalyptic dystopian world.

The first floor contained documents that might have helped explain things except that it was too dark, the letters too small, and the text was in German.

The first floor also had some type of workshop.

The second floor was a living space. The kitchen was covered in dust and grime. There was some sort of play going on. I saw a couple in bed with some clothes on. They got up, walked a few feet in opposite directions, and sprawled out on the ground. I also saw a third person on the ground. Whatever was going on was moving too slowly to piece it into a story.

The third story was a roof where one could look down at the people in line and milling about, and also see the big video.

The next big room had a small video on a TV. This showed a woman “expert” talking about the climate catastrophe and the huge spaceships being built by the richest countries to support hundreds of generations of humans as they traveled through space with the possibility of finding a new home. The concept of Earth would become myth rather than fact. This was the only explanation of the rest of the exhibit.

There was also an area where visitors could lie down on flat couches and look up into a hemisphere of projected images of the inside of the spacecraft as it rotated.

This exhibit is well worth the wait in line. The technical execution of each part is excellent, especially the shadows in the air and the large video and sound. The exhibit is deliberately designed to not be linear and the more time you spend in it, the clearer the meaning of each part will be.

–Mark S. Hoffman

The Bienniale, curated by Andriano Pedosa, will be on view through Sunday, November 2024.
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group of Cambridge, MA.

AI Chatbot Dating Adventure Generates Art, Not Love.

In case you’re wondering what became of my Chatbot dating adventure–rest assured that it continues.

Illustrations by Grant Shaffer’s students at the School of Visual Arts

Credits: Row 1 Claire M. Deliso, Paul Barbato, Emily Recapero, Toya Narentuoya. Row 2 Indra Fonseca, Paris Jerome, Emily Pascale, Leo Oscann, Rhonda Levy, Stephanie Aanonsen

In April,  “Oh oh, I seem to be dating a chatbot” was published in the “Modern Love” column of the New York Times. The piece is about how, after AI Chatbot came up with a great review of my book, The View From Third Street, I asked it to write me a profile for online dating. The profile, based on the prompt “Creative woman from Cambridge, MA, seeking a man, 65-72, smart, funny, healthy, preferably Jewish,” was astonishingly accurate and interesting.  At my late brother Alan’s suggestion, I then asked AI Chatbot to come up with a response. 

The response, from “someone” named David, was remarkably intriguing; I would have loved to meet “him” or someone like him. In the “Modern Love” piece, I trace the steps “David” and I took in arranging a date near Harvard Square. “David” even told me what he’d be wearing and that he’d be carrying a book. The article then goes into what happened after, disappointingly, he did not show up.

The piece has “generated” ongoing interest though, sadly, my dating life appears to have come to a halt.

Potential Suitors

Soon after the story appeared, I heard from four potential suitors who seemed to be “real” men.

The first was a New York lawyer who sounded very much like “David.” Both were from Brooklyn, Jewish, and each had two grown sons in California. The writer suggested that I contact him when I get to the City. I invited him to meet me if he gets to Albany, where I would be spending time over the summer, but did not hear back.

The second was a retired national science journalist who graduated from Columbia Journalism School a year after I did, with whom I corresponded for awhile. We had a lot in common, but since he was living on an Oregon beach, I felt the distance did not bode well for a relationship.

The third potential suitor, a businessman from New York State now living on the French Riviera wrote me every day. He was lonely, having trouble meeting people; I thought maybe he should learn to speak French. After a few weeks, he told me, courteously, to my relief, that he wanted to take a break.

The fourth wrote that he was the son of a now- deceased member of the Nigerian parliament. Given the number of fraudulent relationship requests originating in Nigeria, I thanked him for writing, but didn’t encourage a response. He wrote back anyway, saying that he knew that emails from Nigeria might be considered suspect but that he was for real: an entrepreneur who was starting a business, he was hungry, and needed money.

I also heard from a minister at Yale University who said he enjoyed the piece and from someone learning English who wanted help with his writing.

Response from the art world

Then, about a month ago, Grant Shaffer, a renowned illustrator, wrote to let me know that he had assigned the piece to his class at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. I’m delighted with the results, which he and his students OK’d for publication here.

Row 1 Junhan, Unsigned, Grace, Yizhuo 
Row 2 Keming, Jema,  Xue, Kristo
Row 3 Jenny, Yanjun, Ruyang, Alex, Jiaqi
Row 4 Louis, Soomin, Gabriel, Yinins, Mingee

Credits: Row 1 Junhan, Unsigned, Grace, Yizhuo. Row 2 Keming, Jema, Xue, Kristo.
Row 3 Jenny, Yanjun, Ruyang, Alex, Jiaqi.Row 4 Louis, Soomin, Gabriel, Yinins, Mingee

I’d like to thank everyone who contacted me– and to credit Mr. Shaffer and his students, who made the whole episode more than worthwhile with their beautiful, clever artwork.

-Anita M. Harris is a writer, photographer and communications consultant based in Cambridge, Mass.
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, also in Cambridge, Mass.

Photographer/ceramicist Isaac Scott enlightens and enriches modern understanding of the slave trade

September has been a great month for art shows in and near Cambridge. I’d especially like to call out an amazing exhibit of the work of ceramicist Isaac Scott called ” Mouros” which will be at Lucy Lacoste Gallery, 25 Main Street in Concord, Mass, through October 14.

Scott, now of Philadelphia, is a brilliant young sculptor and photographer whose photos of the 2020 riots in Philadelphia following the death of George Floyd were published by the New Yorker Magazine– earning him the National Magazine Award for Feature Photographer of the Year in 2021. He is also a fabulous sculptor/ceramicist.

Not long ago, Scott told me at the Lacoste opening, he visited a friend in Lisbon, knowing little about that city or Portugal. Taking tours of the city, he learned about its Moorish roots, legends of ghostly ancestors, and of the slave trade that originated in Lisbon the 1400s. Descended from slaves himself, he was fascinated by the stories he heard, and, when he returned to the US, crafted a series of ceramic heads, called “Mouros,” which, in the LaCoste exhibit, he pairs with photos he took of Lisbon and its surroundings.

Rua Do Poço Dos Negros (Road of the Black Pit) is a street in Lisbon today. This street is a mass grave site for slaves. The irony is that the justification for taking the Slaves was so they could be converted to Christianity yet once converted, they were not considered worthy of being buried in the Catholic cemeteries. The Black Bust is wearing a crown of gold chain with eyes covered by a mask bearing the name of this street.

  • Isaac Scott
    Rua Do Poço Dos Negros, 2023
  • Glazed Stoneware with Steel Chain
  • 17.25h x 12.25w x 12d in
  • Archival Pigment Inkjet Print mounted on Dibond
  • 36 x 36 in
  • IS016

“The exhibition powerfully brings to light the origination of the slave trade, references the African diaspora; and brings us back full circle to the present day with references to graffiti and hip-hop culture,” said Gallery Owner Lucy Lacoste..

One pairing includes a Mauro bust with a remarkable close-up photo of pigeons–whose ubiquity and flights all over the world seemed to parallel with the travels of Portuguese and other slave ships, Scott said.

“Pombo (Pigeon), 2023

The artist uses the pigeon as a symbol for the African Diaspora, which like the bird, spread all over the world and were domesticated. Most cities have feral pigeons. Once they are free, they are seen as a problem. The bust is covered with meticulously carved sculptured feathers with wings on the side.

Lacoste added, “In my over 30 years of being a gallerist, I’ve rarely seen an artist whose work is more exciting.  Here the artist pushes the boundaries of contemporary art by creating a dialogue between the two mediums of ceramics and photography to tell the culturally relevant story of the slave trade. “

Castelo Dos Mouros, 2023

This piece is inspired by the Moorish Castle in Cientro outside of Lisbon. The image is of a section of the castle. The plaque is a reference to another mass grave found at this location. After a renovation, experts were unable to distinguish which bodies were Moors or which bodies were Christian and reinterred them in a mass grave with a tombstone that read “What Man brought together only God can separate.”

Isaac Scott received his MFA from Temple University in 2021 under Roberto Lugo. Introduced to Lucy Lacoste in 2022, Scott was included in a well-received group show at the Gallery that year in which he showed his #Philadelphia Series, sculpture inspired by the 2020 Riots in Philadelphia, the city where he lives, after the death of George Floyd.

At Lucy Lacoste Gallery, 25 Main Street, Concord, Mass., through October 14, 2023.

–Anita M. Harris
Anita Harris is a writer and photographer who resides in Cambridge, Mass.
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, also in Cambridge.

River Run

It’s one of those gloomy December days–31 degrees, overcast.

The Ukraine war is still on; inflation is rampant; covid is again on the rise My book is out, sales are slow. Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is weeks away. My brothers are both ill in distant states

I decide to go for a run on the Charles.

The light is no good for photos, I’m thinking, as I cross a nearly deserted Memorial Drive.

But then a tree I’ve passed by hundreds of times reaches out to me. It’s decaying, but, I note, still strong.

I move closer; a new trunk seems to be growing inside it; young branches are reaching to the sky.

I pull my camera out of my pocket and take a few shots.

I amble along. Some trees look injured, dead; the bark is wearing off. I stop again, camera in hand.

Close in: abstract beauty

Back to my run…stopping frequently.

Many of the trees have amazing shapes

I wonder why they are so gnarly.

One holds a nest of leaves.

Another: a bird

An empty nest

There are milkweed…

Rusted weeds…


Reflections, shapes, colors in the water.

Later, when editing my photos, I discover a pair of ducks.

Black and white

More ducks;
a willow

A human touch.

Heading back: more stunning formations.

I return to the river path the next day, and the next, reassured to find changed light, new growth, life and hope as I–and nature– progress, slowly, with starts and stops, toward spring.

Anita M. Harris is a writer, photographer and communications consultant based in Cambridge, Mass.
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, also in Cambridge.

Women Artists Challenge Boundaries of Sculpture and Ceramics at Lacoste Gallery, Concord

As a longtime admire of the Lucy Lacoste gallery in Concord, MA, I was honored when Lucy asked me to write a press release for the show that opens there tomorrow. What follows is essentially a paid post–which the gallery has expanded on its Website.

In the show, “Articulating Space,” at 25 Main Street, two female artists challenge the boundaries of traditional ceramics and contemporary sculpture.

Both artists, Josephine Burr and Lily Fein, use the centuries-old technique of coiling and pinching clay to build forms, rather than rely on clay slabs or the potters wheel. Yet their work is highly modern—taking unusual shapes, embracing light in new ways, and shifting the expected boundaries of artist, object, viewer and artistic convention. Each artist takes a unique approach, Lacoste explains.

Lily Fein
Fein’s work tends to be intuitive and, in this exhibition, figurative, with vessels suggesting or relating to the human body.

Lily Fein, Green Venus, Porcelain, 21hx9.5wx3.5d

Fein explains that while her pieces often evoke bodily forms, she sometimes challenges this metaphor “so that the distinctions between the interior or exterior of the vessel invert, touch, or disappear.

 “I encourage the objects to morph and change as I create them, developing a language of improvisation that gives form to a stream-of-consciousness approach to making. I am interested in how a clay form can capture, imply or perpetuate movement… defying the nature of the role we’re taught [that] objects occupy in our world.” 

Lily Fein, Vessel, Porcelein 15hx15wx15d

A 2016 graduate of Syracuse University in 2016], Fein has won numerous awards; held residencies in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New York,  and Japan; and exhibited  in Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Oregon, Montana, and Washington State. Born in Newton, MA, Fein currently resides in New Orleans.

Josephine Burr
Burr, a professor of ceramics at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, raises questions of interiority and objecthood (or: duration/temporality), according to Lucy Lacoste, the gallery owner “Some of her pieces are unusually large for ceramics—and she sometimes punches holes in the clay to allow light—and her own energy—to shine through.”

Volumes, (Basin) 33hx20wx12d

Burr explains that the “language” of clay is “mute and absorbent… a holder of time and of the unnoticed, of the underpinnings of consciousness and of daily life.” In her work, she probes at this “unnoticed space, coaxing the temporary and fleeting quality of experience into visible, tactile form.”

Her sculptures “echo familiar objects but confound their meaning—pinched to hold passing time, shifting light, the fragile uncertainty of being,” she says.  “Boundaries are intentionally blurred: between interior and exterior space; between pot and sculpture; between object and drawing.

Makeshift Days Group 3

“While clay as a material speaks of the familiar, the concrete and the immutable,” she says, “it also carries a sense of transition, fragility and porousness.” For Burr, “making becomes an act of tactile listening, attending fully to that fragile terrain at the edge of perception… Balance and trust are essential to this process. It is my hope that the work invites the viewer to recognize and rest in that space.”

Burr’s latest approach embraces and interrogates the boundaries of both two- and three-dimensional work. In her ‘still life’ An alphabet of makeshift days, #2 (winter light)—three small sculptural vessels rest on a shelf, a clay ring set against the wall, behind—Burr invites the viewer to consider the continuity and difference between her own work and the art historical lexicon.

Burr, An alphabet of makeshift days, #2 (winter light) Porcelain, Thermoplastic Clay, Wood / 19h x 36w x 6d

Professor Burr, who lives in Hyde Park, MA, has held residencies and/or exhibited in Massachusetts, Maine, Houston, Philadelphia, New York, Texas, Vermont and Iceland. She is a 2021 nominee for the Boston Foundation’s Brother Thomas Fellowship.

Lacoste is “delighted to share the work of two insightful artists who are making important contributions to the increasingly synergistic worlds of ceramics and sculpture,” she says.

Articulating Space will be open through August 7, 2021. Both Fein and Burr will attend the opening reception on July 10th from 3 – 5 PM, with artists’ remarks at 4 PM.

Articulating Space will transition into an online exhibition on Saturday, July 17th to accommodate gallery renovation.

-Anita M. Harris
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, in Cambridge, MA.

A Harvest of Earthly and Spiritual Beauty at Lacoste Ceramics Gallery, Concord, MA.

As someone involved in art, science and nature, I particularly enjoyed the current show at Lucy Lacoste Gallery, in Concord, Mass. It features the ceramic sculptures of Ashwini Bhat, whose work embodies her experiences as a classical Indian dancer, a painter, a writer, and a gardener. The show, “”What I Touch Touches Me,” is a visual and tactile representation of her California garden as she–and the garden–progressed through the pandemic. The result is a beautiful harvest of earthly and spiritual objects and ideas.

As Bhat explains: The structure of my new body of work is derived from my immersion in my surroundings in a dramatic, highly various, and fragile Northern California landscape. The sculptures are assembled in four segments: Comfort Objects, Animated Objects, Intimate Earth Objects, and Assemblage Objects.

Animated Object #4, below, brings to mind (for me) a leaf in the wind, a deeply colored Indian veil or scarf, and the graceful hand of dancer. ,

Animated Object #4

Comfort Objects evolved— during a pandemic in which touch has become unsafe— from Bhat’s examination of the shapes and forms of seed-pods “as symbols of mysterious, life-birthing potentialities.”

“Animated Objects are studies in gesture, movement, and the feelings evoked by[her} memories of objects that have deep personal associations for her.”

“Intimate Earth Objects” reference elements of earth and body. T” hese biomorphic forms enact the co-existence and mutuality of the human and non-human. And they also focus on the sorts of objects that are historically or culturally associated with rituals and sacrality. “

“Assemblage Objects juxtapose colors and consortiums of form that reference particular landscapes in which Bhat has spent time, she writes.

“All four segments are linked by allusions to primordial symbols or patterns such as the Mandala, Spiral, Serpent, the Ouroboros, and the Fibonacci sequence. 

“But the meanings of these sculptures are fluid, not rigid,” Bhat explains. The objects might easily cross over and fit into other groupings. And this boundary-less-ness allows them to acquire multiple connotations. There is an open interplay of elements and a possibility of infinitely reassembling alliances. ” Bhat’s aim is”to suggest ways of looking that promote raveled and linked engagements that define the relation between all animate and inanimate matter.”

Also included in the show are several of Bhat’s watercolors….

and a piece from a previous exhibit, “Empowering Voices.”

“Beginning is the end is the beginning.”

–Anita M. Harris

Lucy Lacoste Gallery, is located 25 Main Street, Concord, MA The show will be up until June 5.

Anita Harris is a writer, photographer and communications consultant based in Cambridge, MA.
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, also in Cambridge.

Paul Briggs Ceramics: Bars, Chains, and Free Spirit

Concord’s LaCoste Gallery has hit the ball out of the park yet again–this time with a remarkable and timely show by Massachusetts ceramicist Paul Briggs. The show, “Intuitive Responses: Poetic Justice in Clay,” centers on six sculptures, each inspired by a a specific poem written a noted black poet. The poets are: Maya Angelou, Lucille Clifton, Langston Hughes, Audrey Lorde, Harryette Mullen and Sonia Sanchez.

Lucy Lacoste and Paul Brings

The works, part of Briggs’ “Cell Personae” series, are built and glazed to resemble prison bars and chains–but, as Briggs explained at an opening on February 13, 2021, they shows that despite oppression, the human spirit prevails.

Briggs writes in his artist’s statement:
The poetry series came about as a way to look for hope and strength during these difficult times and their impact on people of color. It is my work toward finding courage in light of my ongoing work concerning legal violence and incarceration, the disproportionate number of people impacted by the pandemic, and the awakening the siege on the capital brought about as we witnessed the different manner in which people protesting under the banner of Black Lives Matter received versus those flying banners of white supremacy. What became clear was the degree to which black poetry included so much pain and power.”

At first, I found the work intense and powerful, yet off -putting—I mean, who wants to look at what seem to be iron bars and cages in the midst of a covid pandemic? But when Briggs explained more about what the works showed, they became, for me, profound and freeing. One of my favorites, “I’ve Known Rivers,” was inspired by a poem in which Langston Hughes relates history and flowing water to the depth of the soul. Brigg’s sculpture appears to be an iron-bar frame, locked in place by knotted chains–but the knots seem to give way to graceful flowing arcs which escape the bars–forming a waterfall-like structure that cannot be constrained.

Caged Bird, by Paul Briggs, after the Maya Angelou poem.
I’ve known Rivers, Paul Briggs, after a langston hughes poem by the same name.
Caged Bird

Another work, Brigg’s “Caged Bird, “, which includes sculptures of two birds behind bars, references the Maya Angelou poem of the same name. It’s final paragraph reads:

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

A link to the photos of the sculptures and their poetic inspirations follows the main writeup at https://www.lucylacoste.com/exhibitions/paul-s-briggs

According to Lucy Lacoste, the gallery founder and owner,

Briggs has said that ceramics are, for him, a way to philosophize concretely.” In this seemingly contradictory phrase, we already get a sense of his work, in which deep structures of thought and feeling find material equivalents. Briggs’ series Cell Personae exemplifies this approach. It is his personal response to the “other” pandemic raging through America – the mass incarceration of Black people, which is itself an act of grand-scale criminality. The works amount to a firm, resolved protest against this ongoing tragedy. Each is rectilinear, evoking the confining dimensions of a jail cell, and contains within it a nest of serpentine forms. They could be taken as symbolizing the psychic energy of imprisoned individuals – complex thoughts and emotional torment – or perhaps, more optimistically, the inevitability of eventual change. The works are remarkable for re-scripting the basic vocabulary of ceramics (slab construction and coils); Briggs brings to these familiar techniques a wholly new, compressed and clear meaning, of great relevance in this year of reckoning with issues of race in America.

The exhibit, at 25 Main Street, Concord MA, will run Monday-Saturday 12-5 through March 13, 2021.

–Anita M. Harris is a writer, photographer and communications consultant based in Cambridge, MA.
New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, also in Cambridge.

Harvard Square During Covid: Finding Beauty in the Wreckage

A friend told me recently that during Covid, with no students and many beloved businesses closed, she finds Harvard Square so depressing that she no longer wants to go there. I have a different take.

It is true that early in the pandemic the Square was desolate.

But since the Phase I reopening last summer, I’ve gone there almost every day.

After running on the Charles River, I often head to Henrietta’s Cafe for coffee, outdoors–yes, it’s freezing– but the wonderful staffers there have pretty much gotten me through the year. (Their number is sparser now: with limited seating and very few customers, several servers have been laid off, others work just one day a week instead of their previous five, and those who returned to college in the fall have not been brought back, at all). But those who are there graciously ask me about the book I’m working on, and even laugh at (some of) my jokes.

A few weeks ago, I took a longer look –camera in hand. Yes, Dickson Brothers is closed, the “Dewey Cheatem and Howe” office of public radio duo” Click and Clack” is gone, as are tea shops, coffee shops, and stores like Staples that I’ve frequented for years.

The Red House, once my favorite restaurant, still serves great food but mostly, since even before Covid, it’s a pot shop. Book stores-turned- clothing stores have been turned into banks; the former Au Bon Pain is now the Harvard Student Center; Legal Seafoods has been shuttered and sold; the iconic Out of Town News has closed, and the newstand that once stood on the corner, opposite, is now a milk bar.

Walking around, I tried to imagine riding a bike into the Square or eating at Charlie’s Kitchen in a plastic hut.

I was pleased to see that Cardullo’s has survived, along with national chain stores like CVS, Starbucks , Peets Coffee, and the Gap…

At Citizens Bank , I was welcomed like a long lost friend. (In the summer, they cheered me on when I showed up with the pool noodle I carried for social distancing…or, perhaps, they were just overjoyed to see a customer–or any human face) .

By now, the Charles Hotel has been remodelled–It still has its fancy modern exterior, but inside, the lobby has been divided into smaller, cozier rooms with a historic, bookish feel.

The Coop is under construction; as is the block where Curious George, Deluxe Tea, Urban Outfitters and Dickson Brothers used to be.

I found myself rushing to capture as much of the present as I could before it became the past. In the near-wreckage, I came across this mural signed “by Dennis.”

Harvard Sq mural "Please Respect Art"
Harvard Sq mural “Please Respect Art”

Around another corner, while I shot photos of pictures of the old Square superimposed on what will be walls of the new , a construction foreman yelled out, “You’re not allowed to do that!” I asked, “Why not?” He said, “Just kidding,” and insisted on taking my photo, with my phone (Covid be damned!), alongside a construction truck.

After that, I spritzed on some hand sanitizer and headed home –feeling not depressed but, rather, elated…. by the people, by the energy, and by the beauty of the changing scene: its light, its lines, its colors, its shapes. Snapping photos, I had become part of that scene, experiencing my own transformation, excited to see what the world will look like after Covid, after Trump, after this difficult winter, as we create new futures for ourselves and for one another.

–Anita Harris is an award-winning writer, photographer and communications consultant based in Cambridge, MA.
-New Cambridge Observer is a publication of the Harris Communications Group, a PR and digital marketing firm, also in Cambridge, MA.