Welcome to the New Cambridge Observer: News and Views from Cambridge, Massachusetts
Darcy Badiali at Concord’s Lacoste Gallery
Writer-photographer Anita Harris particularly liked the delicacy of Darcy Baidiali’s “astonishingly large” thrown sculptural clay pots.
“A Single Frame” film educates, immortalizes, attests to power of art
Writer/photographer Anita Harris says that “A Single Frame”, shows that an artist never knows where a work might lead, whom it might affect, and how its spirit might live on to inform, influence and inspire future generations.
Art, science, engineering intersect at Koch Image Gallery 2017
Cambridge writer and photographer Anita Harris was wowed by the new exhibit of arty science images at MOT’s Koch Institute. The display, at 500 Main Street, is free to the public. It’s on until March, 2018.
Keytar Bear’s Music Raises Spirits in Kendall Square MBTA
Cambridge writer Anita Harris much enjoyed the performance Keytar Bear, a musician, on the Kendall Square MBTA platform. She shares a brief video, here. (Well, her train arrived).
Christina Inge: Cuts to “Meals on Wheels,” HHS Programs Unfair To Hard Workers
Commentator Christina Inge warns that proposed cuts to budgets for health and human service programs such as “meals on wheels” in Washington, DC will harm not only people who have worked hard all their lives…but also lawmakers’ souls.