Author: anharris


Shepard Fairey Revisited Again

On closer inspection, it becomes clear that Fairey has greatly transformed the photo, which he uses in a provocative interchange with the colors, images, slogans, stencils, newspaper clippings and other elements typical of (and original to) his work.

No Valentine for Microsoft

Much as I appreciated the companionship on Valentine’s night, the relationship is just not working out. It’s hard to break up with Microsoft…but, clearly, it’s something I have to do.

Free Vista, Comcast help: you get what you pay for and a new social life

It’s not that I don’t appreciate my new social life and those late night calls from apologetic tech support professionals in India, but now that I’m in my 61st hour of a Microsoft Vista meltdown and my sixth day of a Comcast email failure, I hope that the companies will send in reinforcements or that a lawyer will start a class action lawssuit or two.

Fairey bruhaha enhances coffers–especially lawyers'.

The Boston arrest of street artist Shepard Fairey, along with the AP suit and countersuit concerning a copyrighted photograph of Obama, are part and parcel of Shepard Fairey’s art–which as a whole is a provocative–and, now, increasingly lucrative–challenge to authority. Still, it’s nice that someone is making money at a time when the world appears to be going to rack and ruin, and it’s fun to have something new to think about.