Category: Health, Science, Tech


Health gizmos for non-geeks: new monitoring devices for staying well

I was blown away when I heard about pill bottle caps that will tell you (or your doctor or your caretakers) if you’ve forgotten to take your meds…a kazoo that measures the chemistry of the air from your lungs…and a telephone that can assess whether you’re depressed–from the tones of your voice. Remote health monitoring gizmos are not for the future: they are now!

Will attack ads backfire in Coakley/Brown Senate Race?

Coakley’s ham-handed attack ads give Brown a perfect opportunity to appear reasonable, dignified and unflappable–Senatorial, if you will. I can only hope that Massachusetts citizens will be able to look beyond the ads to Coakley’s strong record of accomplishments and belief in a government of civil and human rights,