Category: Health, Science, Tech


Seeking a Vublisher for my Vook

I’m excited to be able integrate a myriad of forms that will allow me to share my experiences and my peers’ with my readers –er–viewers–er surfers. Oh, heck. My audience, if I can figure out how to find one

Cambridge Seeks Citizen Input on Future Tech Needs

Having completed an excellent three-evening course on Dreamweaver just this week at Cambridge Community Television in Central Square, I urge Cantabridgians to take part in one of the focus groups to be conducted in early October–all related to the Cambridge’s technology future and the role of Comcast, which, by law, sponsors CCTV, in the community.

Boston/Cambridge/Quincy rank 8th most stressful cities to live in

I was interested to see that Boston/Cambridge/Quincy Metro area ranked eighth in a study of the most stressful US cities to live in.

Topping the list were Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Cleveland, Providence, RI, San Francisco, and Detroit; Washington DC was ninth, followed by San Jose, Seattle, Riverside CA, and Philadelphia and, surprisingly, Portland, Ore.

CCTV Named #1 Public Access Station in U.S. for 8th Time

Cambridge Community Television has once again received the Overall Excellence in Public Access Programming Award from the national Alliance for Community Media in its Hometown Video Festival.

I’ve taken several excellent courses at CCTV–in Dreamweaver, Excel, and MS Publisher; also on video shooting and editing. If you join, fees are nominal–you get $100 worth of courses for $55–less if you put in volunteer time; more if you’re not a Cambridge resident. Check it out!

Mass. Life Sciences Center sees 8-fold return in year 1

The MLSC, charged with distributing some $1B over a ten year period, invested $48.5 M in public dollars this year–its first full year of operation. The funds, in turn, have attracted nearly $359M in matching investments from companies, foundations, government, institutes and other private investors–an eight-fold return.

Bob Langer: inspiration for job seekers

In a recent talk, MIT Institute Professor Bob Langer described the difficulties he faced in his early career. For job hunters out there the message is simple but profound. Believe in yourself and your ideas, treat people kindly, and keep on going.

Great talk, Bob. Once again, bravo.